Monday, May 23, 2011

2003 Opel Insignia Concept

2003 Opel Insignia Concept. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • MacPhreak
    Oct 12, 03:45 PM
    Ha ha, You are nuts. Let me tell you how it works.

    Nobody gets rich by curing a disease. That is why diabetes, AIDS, HIV etc are all treated with "Keep you alive but not cure you drugs" that you have to buy for the rest of your life. The government and drug companies are in it together and are pure evil. Ain't nobody going to cure anything unless they can keep making money doing it. Get it? Good.

    So how's your Polio treating you?

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  • dornoforpyros
    Sep 14, 07:11 PM
    damn you apple! now my purchase is delayed further, ok, this is the last 11 days I swear...yeah I've been saying that for every date for the last month, the 5th, the the 24th.

    2003 Opel Insignia Concept. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • lmalave
    Oct 27, 10:12 AM
    Exactly. There was no violence, no rowdiness. This is how the current mindf*cks work. People hear that a group or activist with views counter to the needs of govenrment and big business and their heads immediately fills with images of extreme millitancy. As I said - they handed out leaflets. That's it.

    It's the same when the intelligence services and police stage 'terror raids' on houses where the inhabitants have no connection to terror. People immediately think 'Ahh, they've got those terrorist scum...' When the suspects are released without charge no one asks how zero evidence can possibly lead to an armed raid.

    No, in the case of Greenpeace, most people's experience is probably formed from *first-hand* experience of being approached on city streets. I've certainly been approached dozens of times here in NYC. Personally, Greenpeace doesn't bother me. But Greenpeace reps usually *are* quite insistent, and that behavior is legal on a city street, but does not have to be tolerated on private property.

    I mean, it's easy for me to brush people off here in NYC because I'm used to it (constantly get approached by panhandlers, palm readers, political activists, etc.). But at a convention, people whoe weren't used to that probably allowed themselves to be stopped and then had their ears talked off for a few minutes, because they were just too nice to brush off a pretty young girl (which most Greenpeace reps are because they know that people will be much nicer to them on average than to, say, a young punk-ass male). So these people probably didn't say anything to the Greenpeace rep's face, but then turned around and noted a complaint with MacExpo. MacExpo probably received a few of these complaints and decided enough was enough...

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  • MacCheetah3
    Apr 11, 02:21 PM
    Not completely on topic but...

    Is it possible to stream audio and video from a mac to the iPad? If so, is the feature included or does it require an app?
    Refer to my post just before yours. Both solutions will work for streaming videos to your iDevice from iTunes. My previous post had a link to the iTunes instructions for Home Sharing, but here are the iOS instructions (

    It isn't 100% free, but not too pricey. Air Video (iOS app) ( will allow you to watch movies, in nearly any format, that are stored anywhere on your computer -- not just iTunes. Air Video Host software for Mac OS X and Windows (

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  • Forensic111
    Apr 4, 12:44 PM
    The author wrote this was a hold-up, but he did not mention "Who" was held up. All he said was a security guard caught the suspects smashing the windows of the store. This is not a hold-up, it's a burglary. No store employee was involved. Also the author did not say say the suspect/s fired at the security guard. If they did, then the security had the right to defend himself, if it was just a burglary and the suspect/s did not fire on the guard, then he had no right to use deadly force. The author also stated it was a "Head-Shot", apparently the author has never had a gun pointed at him, nor been in a fire fight. The fact that the suspect was shot in the head is a tough shot to make at a moving target. The author just wrote it that way to attract attention to his story. He should find out the facts and use the proper terms and don't elaborate. If the guard was a retired or off duty police office, he would have aimed for the X-10 ring...not the head.

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  • ericswyatt
    Apr 30, 02:42 PM
    I have had my iMac for about 9 months.. looks like it will be going on Craigslist next week!! ;)


    Hey, where are you located and what are the specs? I might be interested...

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  • dmelgar
    Sep 15, 08:40 PM
    '07? They've been planning for for years is seems like and '07 is the best they can do? I figure the biggest issues are dealing with the US telcos. They want the UI to look like they dictate. They want to charge for music download/transfer to the phone. Apple has not succeeded in getting movies studios to back iTV and iTunes. They may not have luck with telcos either.

    Seems like all the good products are being delayed or havent happened. iTV, 07, iPhone 07, new video ipod... missing.

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  • bobber205
    Sep 8, 01:30 PM
    Ok, my prediction:

    New nano will have to have a new name, or more than 4gb in the low end, otherwise it will be available as part of the get a free ipod campaign... i don't think apple will do that. Reminds me of a certain SNL skit.

    or... mb and mbp will be upgraded to C2D... the rebate clearly lists only core duo systems as eligible. then you won't be able to get any free ipods except with a mac pro

    there you have it
    I remember that SNL skit too. That was great.

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  • cmaier
    Nov 13, 08:48 PM
    Do you believe that Google Android apps are a free for all and that apps are never rejected? Do you believe that Google is any different than any other company when comes to protecting their IP? Google maps API for example, cannot be used in third party applications that offer turn by turn navigation.

    To be fair, that's quite possibly a limitation imposed on them by navteq/teleatlas.

    2003 Opel Insignia Concept. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • googolplex
    May 3, 01:56 PM
    I use my 2010 27" iMac as a monitor for a PC gaming rig that utilizes the mini-display port and I must say that this will be the last iMac I own until they change this. This was one of main selling points for me since I could still use a pc and not have to suffer with the iMac's poor gaming performance.

    No matter how you slice it, the integrated video card with the current iMacs CANNOT drive the resolution these displays use.

    The only option is build a high end PC that can push that kinda resolution at decent framerates.

    Now that they have removed the option and restricted it to TB only display ports, we are now forced to "upgrade" to a new mac tho it still cant hold a candle to whats available to system builders today.

    I made the switch to Mac years and years ago but I think it's finally run it's course. When this thing takes a **** and they offer me a new one through my Apple Care, I'll sell it and buy a real display an perhaps mac mini.

    Apple has fallen so far behind the desktop computing business and its clear they want to funnel their remaining customers through this purchase path.

    I'm confused. What has changed about the target display mode? Isn't it still there?

    2003 Opel Insignia Concept. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • mrgreen4242
    Sep 5, 01:54 PM
    Well fudge. I've been holding off on getting an Airport Express for literally a year, waiting for an AV version. I finally had to get one when I moved (no cable drop in the office at new house, so needed a wireless router) and then like 2 weeks later they release the AV model. Bastards.

    Oh well, probably can't afford one anyways - seeing as the AE w/ AirTunes is still $100. Does Apple price match refurb hardware? I'm assuming the AE price will drop when they release the AV model.

    Hmmm, I might be able to talk my wife into letting me get one for the theatre room if I can make it send cable TV up there too... Have to wait and see what the product actually is.

    Also, $10-15 for a d/l movies is a ripoff. Unless they are going to do HD quality movies at $15, DVDs will remain a much better value. Now, HD download service, with an affordable playback mechanism, at $15 per movie they will clean up... SD though? Forget about it.

    2003 Opel Insignia Concept. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • toughboy
    Aug 31, 11:45 AM
    I don't care what it is, just give us something new to talk about. Mac Pro really nice machine but we saw it coming months in advance. Maybe not he exact spec but yeah we all knew it was coming. Same with Merom, Conroe etc... Give us something new, really new. All we have had for what seems like an age is Intel switch this Intel switch that. I don't care what processor they use as long as they are faster than they were before and it's still a Mac. I want nay, need a new product - something so I know that Apple are still innovating. Switching to Intel, no innovation there just good sense.

    Stop reading forums and rumor sites, and everything will be news to you..

    2003 Opel Insignia Concept. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • TheManOfSilver
    Sep 4, 09:09 PM
    I'd be surprised if Apple did anything with TV tuners.

    With the variety of TV services that people have (analog cable, digital cable, satellite TV, Verizon's TV over fiber, terrestrial HDTV), coming up with a device that can tune most folks TV doesn't sound easy, even for Apple.

    There may be lots of TV options out there, but right now Apple isn't servicing any of them. They're losing potential business to 3rd Party companies like Elgato. If they released a simple box with analog/digital standard/hidef options, they would be servicing the overwhelming majority of the market (most digital, satelite and other special services require set-top boxes anyway).

    2003 Opel Insignia Concept. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • aohus
    Apr 19, 08:01 PM
    This is just another pissing contest to result in a settlement and some bizarre technology sharing or nothing in particular.

    It's posturing.

    this is the only comment that made sense in this entire thread.

    2003 Opel Insignia Concept. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • Lynxpoint
    Aug 31, 11:32 PM
    I'm thinking of an Apple/Canon merger? I was hoping for a buyout of leica or kodak, but I think a Canon merger might work. We haven't seen any large mergers buyouts since HP/Compaq and something is going to happen soon. Though I don't know if this is true or not Steve Jobs and Canon have had close ties for nearly 15 years and I've noticed this recently with the Canon products being given first priority in there digital/video store. At one time Canon even invested something like $10 million into NEXT. Snapping(excuse the pun) Canon would help with a huge amount of patents and might be easier then starting from scratch with a camera or camcorder.

    Please explain to me how a computer company would benefit from aquiring a camera company because I just don't see it.

    2003 Opel Insignia Concept. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • Diatribe
    Sep 19, 03:30 PM
    Besides, I'd be completely happy with 720p as that's basically the most that affordable displays can show these days anyway. Give me that and I'd only buy my movies on the iTS.

    2003 Opel Insignia Concept. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • retrorichie
    Apr 22, 11:41 AM
    Does this mean we will see a resolution downgrade to that of the 13 macbook pro's?

    Why would you think that? The Intel IGP can drive the same resolution on the 15" just fine.

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  • mdgm
    Apr 14, 11:44 AM
    This is great news! One of the reasons I didn't buy a Sandy Bridge MBP is that I want USB3.

    Edit: oops, I shouldn't post in the early hours of the morning

    2003 Opel Insignia Concept. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • robeddie
    Apr 25, 01:57 PM
    I love the way the Arn writes "the next revision of Apple's MacBook Pro line will utilize a new case design for the first time in several years."

    It's been a couple years. 2 years, 6 months to be exact. He writes as though this design has been around for like, forever!

    The previous aluminum design remained almost exactly the same (except for some almost inperceptable thinning when it became the MacPro) from Jan 2003 (the powerbook G4) to October 2008. 5 YEARS AND TEN MONTHS!

    Apr 4, 12:31 PM
    i honestly can't understand people who say there was no need to kill him, he was armed and shot at the security guard.

    A criminal shoots at a security guard who is just doing his job of protecting the public? and a Security Guard shoots at a criminal who is shooting at him, endangering the public and stealing, and somehow the Security Guard is the bad guy here?

    this criminal had no respect or regard for anyone but himself, he was a CRIMINAL, that was his choice to make, if he'd of made a better choice, he'd still be alive.
    If the Security Guard had of made a different choice he may not still be alive.

    it's just like the whole Raoul Moat thing here in the UK, he killed I don't know how many people, injured others, shot a Police Officer in the face with a shotgun, and people still said it was wrong to kill him, SERIOUSLY!

    I say well done to the Security Guard, i just hope he is commentated for doing the right thing, and lives the rest of his life peacefully.

    Jul 14, 09:40 AM
    Does anyone think we should be hitting 4ghz about now?

    I mean weve been stuck on 2.x for ages. Whats the deal? A 4ghz quad would be frickin awesome. :confused:
    If you raised the clock speed of NetBurst-based Pentium 4s (or Pentium Ds) to 4GHz, you would still not achieve the same performance as today's Conroe at 2.13GHz. Clock speed alone is not an accurate gauge of performance.

    Because of increasing problems with heat density, clock speeds haven't been rising at their historical rates. A kind of brick wall was hit when the semiconductor industry moved to 90nm. At those dimensions a series of unexpected problems plagued ramp and ushered a change away from blindly raising clock speeds towards more functionality and more optimized functionality at more manageable clock speeds.

    Clock speeds will hit 4GHz and keep rising, but not at the rate we have been accustomed to. But as the Core 2 benchmarks show, Intel has intelligently redesigned the processor to achieve significant speed improvements at existing clock speeds.

    Apr 19, 08:42 AM
    Apple HAS to file a lawsuit in this case.

    If they did not, then they open the door to not being able to protect their assets in court down the road if someone else tries to copy anything Apple offers.

    Non-issue here people. Just playing by the rules of the game.

    Apr 4, 12:01 PM
    How did I just know, it had to be here.

    Apr 4, 12:42 PM
    I was born and raised in San Diego, and yes I've been to Chula Vista (Chula Juana), and National City (Nasty City), scummy areas near the Tijuana border. I'm NOT at all surprised by this.

    I'm sure some locals of those scummy areas may chime in.

    That being said, it really doesn't specify in the article, but a lot of the Apple stores I've been to have off duty cops standing by the doors during business hours, not sure about before they open.