Monday, May 23, 2011

Mazda Trucks For Sale

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  • rotobadger
    Mar 30, 11:34 AM
    Microsoft is suing homebuilders for offering "Windows" in their homes. Instead, they need to refer to them as "transparent viewing portals".

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  • teme
    Sep 13, 04:37 AM
    Fullscreen touchscreen video iPod is going to be the biggest change to iPod since the 1st generation iPod was released, so I'm not surprised that it is taking so long. All the previous generations have just included some smaller updates (click-wheel, color screen, smaller size, new features etc).

    I'll probably buy the 80GB version before Christmas. I have waited for a large capacity for a long time, and the new model seems to be great (although it's not that fullscreen 6G iPod). It has a good battery life, large capacity, nice new features... enough "new" to replace my old 30GB iPod, bought in 2003.

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  • globalhemp
    Mar 30, 11:54 AM
    I believe Microsoft's #1 problem is that they are the king of generic names for products:

    Word for word processing.

    Windows for a graphical user interface that has content stores in windows.

    Perhaps the only "cool" names Microsoft has are Excel and Xbox?

    Damit! They want App Store for selling apps and Apple's already taken it.

    Perhaps their argument will be, "How come Apple did not just name their online store the iApp Store, geez...."

    Perhaps Microsoft will be left with no alternative but to use the mokier, "Microsoft Store," "Software Store," or "Soft Store?" They could even just call their store "M$ Store."

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  • Peruna
    Mar 23, 06:47 PM
    Oh god no I hope apple doesn't cave to this kind of Orwellian garbage. I feel for all of the victims of DUIs and know that I have personally called the police on a car that was very obviously had an impaired person behind the wheel but as a non drunk driver if I want to avoid being hassled I should be able to.

    You called in a drunk driver? Aren't you the fascist! Who are you to interfere the drunk driver's right to drive recklessly and kill someone? You are a responsible citizen that's what. I imagine you might feel differently about this matter if you ever bothered to console a family who's loved one was killed by a drunk driver. I rarely, if ever, agree with Sens. Reid or Schmer, but here they are dead on. This is not censorship or legislation, this is Senators using the bully pulpit to persuade responsible social action. Bully for them!

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  • ascender
    Oct 12, 04:54 PM
    Wow, can't believe some of the posts on here!

    Its a limited edition iPod and by buying it, it looks like a donation will be made to a charitable organisation set up by people who are trying to make a difference, which wants to help people less fortunate than us. Where's the problem?

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  • applefan289
    Apr 4, 12:58 PM
    People are willing to risk their lives for Apple.

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  • QCassidy352
    Sep 13, 09:14 PM
    I am quoting myself! arn went ahead and added to question mark to the title.

    QCassidy352, you can deposit your savings in my escrow account and we will see if this thing happens.

    I said I'd bet, not give. As in you pay equal money if this turns out to be right. And it's a figure of speech. :rolleyes:

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  • fetchmebeers
    Sep 12, 03:00 PM
    Off Apple's website that he pointed you to:
    Playback time (30GB model)

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  • fowler.
    Mar 23, 05:06 PM
    DUI checkpoints are basically "anything illegal" checkpoints these days. They check for insurance, suspended licenses, etc. This information should be available to anyone, in any form, as long as the law says it's legal.

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  • theelysium
    May 3, 04:11 PM
    Because the iMac Display mode apparently is Thunderbolt-dependent, not backward compatible with DisplayPort-only systems, I wonder if this means you will be able to daisy-chain iMacs? For example, have one iMac in the center as the master; two iMacs (one on either side) each connected via Thunderbolt to the center, acting as two displays. Then, could you slave two more Cinema Displays (or any DisplayPort monitor, even more iMacs!) from those two 'outer' iMacs for a total of five displays? Apple said in the first generation of ThunderBolt systems that they could support two displays per Thunderbolt port with daisy-chaining, and AMD's chips can support up to 6 displays.

    You could just use teleport

    Mazda Trucks For Sale. Mazda Trucks For Sale.
  • Mazda Trucks For Sale.

  • nonameowns
    Mar 29, 12:43 PM
    thanks for the laugh!

    early for april fools though

    by 2015, wp7 doesn't exist.

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  • Manic Mouse
    Sep 9, 10:30 AM
    I've searched for address bus width for the Core 2 line, but haven't found anything. It is, however, not likely that Intel downgraded the width from the previous models, which would mean either a 36 or a 40 bit bus. Also note that AMD's K8 (Athlon 64, Sempron and Opteron) also feature a 40 bit address bus and not 64 as someone might think. I also think that the G5 uses a 40 or 42 bit address bus, so it's pretty much the same there too.

    So, if Core 2 has a 40 bit bus (which is likely) you end up with 1TB of addressable memory space.

    Also, Core 2 CPUs are fully capable of running 64 bit code. Whether the address bus is 64 bits wide or not hasn't got anything to do with the width of the internal data path and execution unit width.

    Thanks :D

    To be honest I'm not all that well versed in the differences between 64bit and 32bit computing...

    Mazda Trucks For Sale. Mazda Trucks For Sale.
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  • TrollToddington
    May 1, 12:00 AM
    I wonder if the base SNB iMac will be faster than the base SNB MBP.

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  • inkswamp
    Mar 29, 03:21 PM
    UHM... iOS is far more open-source than windows is. Nice try... Android might be more open-source though, I'm not sure.

    What exactly is your definition of "open source" anyway? There aren't really degrees of being open source. Something is either open source or it isn't. The code for iOS is not open source and so isn't any more or less open than Windows.

    Some of the components that ship with iOS are open source (Webkit being the most notable and the one that gets the most press.) But make no mistake: iOS is not open source. At all.

    That's not to make a qualitative judgment about iOS versus any other mobile OS, BTW. This annoying marketing crap coming from Google and others lately that push the notion of open source somehow being inherently a better way to go for anything is irritating. There's no need to defend iOS for being closed. Not everyone thinks that's a dirty word. It's a better mobile OS than any of the open source alternatives and there's no reason to be shy about it being proprietary. It is what it is.

    Mazda Trucks For Sale. Mazda Trucks For Sale.
  • Mazda Trucks For Sale.

  • iJays
    Apr 19, 07:24 AM
    So what? They're already getting sued by Apple, so what's another lawsuit? Point is, contract breach or not, Samsung could cripple Apple's whole ecosystem within days by halting all processor shipments. Apple makes the vast majority on iDevices and this would kill Apple's whole economic model. And this doesn't even account for Samsungs components that go into their Macs. As a result, Apple would have no hardware to sell. They would dip into their treasure chest. It could be devastating to Apple.

    and someone thinking again that Apple and Samsung didn't sign into a contract.

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  • dizastor
    Sep 5, 10:11 AM
    Who else thinks Lion's Gate will not be on the list... at least for now?

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  • Warbrain
    Apr 20, 10:59 AM
    This has nothing to do with GPS or Location Services and turning those off won't change that. It also has nothing to do with tracking your whereabouts.

    The file contains a log of the cell towers you connected to and when. That's it. This is why the dots are in grids that get bigger the as you leave populated areas and routinely include places you haven't been within 30 miles of.

    This information is most likely used for connection quality monitoring and caching for Assisted GPS cold starts. It is also the same information stored by your cell phone provider no matter what phone you use. As such, "Big Brother" already has the ability to access to this information.

    At this point, the only person potentially aided by this discovery is a suspicious spouse.

    This is what I'm thinking; just need to wait to see what else comes out.

    Mazda Trucks For Sale. Used Mazda Trucks for Sale
  • Used Mazda Trucks for Sale

  • Digital Skunk
    Apr 22, 12:21 PM
    Now there's 100GB BDXL. There's plenty of time for Blu-Ray to keep on living on notebooks.

    True, but I doubt Apple will put them in their machines and/or peripherals. I'd love to keep a third offsite backup of my information with BDXL, and I can with 3rd party hardware.

    I think one of the biggest things holding me back though is the price of the discs.

    I hope they bring back the backlit keyboard.

    Same here! 100% same here!

    I have been holding back on buying a 13" Air for the backlit keyboard and Thunderbolt.

    If I get both it'll be a definite buy. If I get just TB, then I may just consider the MBP.

    Mazda Trucks For Sale. Used Mazda Trucks for Sale
  • Used Mazda Trucks for Sale

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 4, 12:36 PM
    "Shooting To Wound" is purely a product of television, movies, and video games. In real situations where gunfire is exchanged, milliseconds count, and center mass until the target is down is the ONLY reality.

    I know. And heroics by gun toting civilians is mostly a product of fantasy as well. The idea of whipping your gun out to save the day is absurd. Most shootings occur with no warning. If you were always hyper-vigelent and ready to brandish your gun, you would likely be a danger to those around you.

    Sep 14, 01:03 AM
    Ya, i know 3G isnt that popular in America, but i expect the iPhone at least should have built-in WiFi like many Phones in today's market. So we can use the iPhone to video LIVE chat with the other Mac users or iPhone users through the internet. Since many Universities have Wi-Fi covered the whole school, so i think it will benefit abot students. And more and more hot-spot now.

    It's not that it's popular, it's just that we never get around to doing the recent when it comes to mobile phones.

    I'm not sure if we'll get video chat. I hardly see any phones that can do that with the exception of the Nokia N80, but still, you can't do that anywhere here anyways.

    Most smartphones don't have Wifi in them. I don't think there's been a single Blackberry or Treo with one. There have been a few with Windows Mobile 5.0, but that's pretty much it.

    Sep 19, 02:51 PM
    I was satisfied with the image quality on my 20" Dell widescreen, but sitting at my desk to watch a movie instead of my couch isn't the movie experience I'm going for.

    This is precisely why other companies' attempts to "bring the PC into the living room" have failed (and will continue to do so). Think of the logistics of this (if you will) from an interior design perspective. Are you going to put your media center PC on a TV stand in your living room across from the couch to watch movies/TV? Are you also going to have a desk chair sitting right in front of it for those times you'd like more PC than TV? People (families) do not use computers in their living room and they do not watch movies/TV sitting at a desk.

    This is why iTV is brilliant. Living rooms are for content, not computing. Content is the only aspect of your computer that is necessary in the living room, and it is all iTV delivers.


    Nov 13, 02:42 PM
    Obviously the images are copyrighted by Apple, and those images they don't want people using. Ok, well, that is their rights, they designed them and copyrighted them. Either they have to license those images from Apple (which I doubt Apple would do) or make their own. Just like every other copyright, you don't have the right to breech. If Apple doesn't defend their copyright, then they can lose it, so they HAVE to fight for it.

    Again... you clearly did not read the developer's side.

    Btw, those "copyrighted images?" Programmers use them all the time on OS X. Why? Because THEY'RE FROM OS X APIs.


    Aug 31, 02:30 PM
    Merom MacBook Pro + Conroe iMac + speedbumped Mac mini + iTunes movie downloads + widescreen video iPod

    That would be awesome. :) Add a larger capacity Nano to that.

    New Apple Cinema Displays with glossy screens and iSights would be amazing.

    Hmm... Maybe as an option? Glossy is great, but lots strongly dislike it.

    Wtf does that even mean?!

    I will are not know.

    May 1, 05:22 AM
    I think you're gonna get pretty disappointed. It wont't have blu-ray, likely no usb3, less likely that it'll have 2GBVram, the only way you're getting another hdd is to take out the optical drive, and it won't support 24GB of RAM.

    Boy, that sure does account for most of his list ... lol.

    The way the MBP performance shot up so much with this last release, I was thinking the iMac may do the same, especially in GPU, but it sounds like that may be rather next year. Oh well, the spec I would want in the current lineup runs $NZ6,000 so just as long as that's down a lot, it might be worthy :).