Saturday, May 21, 2011

Adam And Eve Halloween

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  • BlizzardBomb
    Sep 1, 01:01 PM
    No way would I pay an extra $500 for an 8% faster machine and a slighly larger display, when for that money I can go with the 20" and buy a second widescreen 20" display and have a HUGE viewable area.

    The 23" is going to have to be a LOT closer to the 20" in order for it to sell. I'm thinking $1899 or $1999, or else it will have to be decked out with extra RAM, HD space, or CPU speed.

    There are of course disadvantages to dual displays...

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  • bmustaf
    Sep 14, 09:59 AM
    They DO, I don't think you have the facts. CR held Lexus' feet to the fire to get them to act on the GX - .

    They EXPLICITLY came out and said "DO NOT BUY". A lot harsher than the Apple "Cannot Recommend".

    People trust CR because they're a non-profit that doesn't accept ads, endorsements, or free product. So, I don't see what is wrong with not recommending a product that has a flaw that the manufacturer isn't providing a permanent/non-band aid style fix for.

    If you read their article/write up on the iPhone 4, they give you the facts and let you make your decision, but when CR says "Recommended" you can be pretty sure you're buying a product without its issues. I don't think anyone here can say the iPhone 4 is without its issues. Those issues aren't a material problem for me, so I love mine, but I'm not a blind Apple fanboy type, either, so I have the wherewithall to understand that Apple and their products aren't perfect.

    I respect CR for making an unpopular call & sticking with it. I tend to trust them because they are open about their testing, results, the facts, and make recommendations based on that. I can make my own decision, so I didn't heed their "Not Recommended", but I do understand and respect why they rated it so and why the Case Program isn't an acceptable answer.

    PS - Auto makers pretty much do have to go door-to-door and hand out the fix for affected cars. You get a card in the mail and if it is a safety issue (e.g. accelerator/tip over, etc) they will even have the dealer come GET the car from you until it is "made safe" again. The onus is *NOT* on the owner, the company has to be proactive about it. Besides, CR isn't asking Apple to send a Steve Jobs look alike to everyone's home to put a case on their phone - they're just asking Apple to provide a *permanent* fix, be it a *permanent* case program (which I think is a band-aid, and I think CR sees it that way, too) or a *permanent* hardware fix. There is no certainty what the case (no pun intended) is going to be after Sept 30 - they have a point there.

    Follow up - Lexus fixed the problem and CR lifted their "DO NOT BUY" recommendation - . CR is *NOT* the problem here, it's Apple penchant for hubris/self-involvement. I love Apple and their products, but I'm not fooling myself to expect that they'll be any more consumer-friendly and honest than they need to be to turn a profit/feed Steve's ego.

    Get your facts straight before you spout off with inaccurate rhetoric.

    Does Consumer Reports stop recommending automobile purchases? Because you know if there is an issue with a car, the manufacturer will issue a recall. If you are affected, you have to take it into a dealer where it will be fixed. The onus is on the owner of the car, for crying out loud! The auto manufacturers should go house to house providing the fix for free to all cars, whether their owners report a problem or not!

    Wait, you mean Consumer Reports does not hold the auto manufacturers to the same artificial standard they hold Apple to? How amazing...

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  • BRLawyer
    Apr 19, 03:31 PM
    This is What I Wanna See:

    iMac 27" (Quad Core)
    $1,999.99 (Base)

    Mac OS X 10.7 Lion

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  • Tomorrow
    Mar 1, 04:51 PM
    That may be true of the huge American diesel truck engines, but go examine a new VW, BMW or Mercedes diesel and you'll see that this is just not the case anymore.

    That could be true, but I can't verify it - simply because I don't really see any of those around here....

    You can barely even smell the exhaust - if at all - even from the new truck engines with DPFs.

    ...This, on the other hand, has not been my experience at all.

    I live out in the country (horse and cattle farms), and about half the pickups out here are 3/4 ton and 1 ton diesels, mostly Chevys and Fords. Following one down the highway it's hard to hear them, but if you're behind one you can damn sure smell it - and yes, I'm talking about the new ones, too.

    Caveat - you specifically mentioned a Dodge, and I don't recall seeing (or smelling) any of those around here lately.

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  • sochrisash
    Jan 12, 09:41 AM

    Heres my current update on my bug.

    Bought some speakers that wouldnt fit the door cards so put them in this suitcase I bought at a vw show. Haha, its great :P

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  • kriskkalu
    Jan 5, 06:31 PM
    At macworld 2007 Apple will announce that you can download The Beatles music on iTunes and possible there will be a Beatles branded iPod.

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  • suneohair
    Nov 15, 09:56 AM
    8 Core Mac Pro won't be cheap. And most definitely will not come in at the entry level price point of $2500. I am sure you guys knew that already though.

    Most applications are mutli-threaded that isnt the issue. The difference between 4-core and 8-core will be negligible as you can see from the benchmarks. The 8-core Mac Pro will shine when multi-tasking multiple multi-threaded applications.

    You will have more power all around. So you can effectively do more at once with less slow down.

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  • AP_piano295
    Mar 21, 12:05 PM
    But if there were no army ants in addition to worker ants, the colony would have never made it.

    Your making the assumption that human beings are "surviving" we haven't been around for very long.

    Humans as organisms have a distressing habit of overusing our resources, building weapons so dangerous that they put our very existence at risk...etc.

    I think when evolution made us it crafted a loser...but only time will tell.

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  • Reventon
    Nov 24, 04:40 PM

    ... along with a bag of walnuts, carrots and some eggs.

    Mmm... I like oysters. :)

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  • Xero910
    Mar 31, 10:11 AM
    Regarding the launchpad... I can't remove applications anymore...
    When I click "option" the icons get to "shake" but there is not X sign to click to delete the app... they just wiggle and can't be deleted.
    Any of you the same?

    Also very difficult to move them around...

    In my experience launchpad was working better on preview 1!

    Yea it's a little buggy right now. You can delete apps the same as as before with some added frustration.

    1. Press and hold, CMD+OPT+CTRL (so they all wiggle)
    2. Next press and hold one app until they stop wiggling.
    3. Now click the apps you want once to delete them.
    4. Make sure you hold those 3 keys throughout all steps.

    The only thing I haven't figured out yet is adding apps manually. When I drag them to the LaunchPad icon, nothing happens.

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  • timerollson
    Nov 24, 09:07 AM
    Dude!! that's freakin' awsome! :D

    Even more awesome is that's the brainchild of Dan Akroyd.

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  • aeaglex07
    Mar 31, 08:11 AM
    :eek: yeah that new iCal is hideous. i know its still just a dev preview but if that is any indicator of the rest of the UI i wont be upgrading. LOL

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  • elmo151
    Sep 18, 10:38 AM
    CR often solves the wrong problems. Its rarely disclosed criteria are often off the mark.
    did they compare the iPhone to the competition?

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  • rosalindavenue
    Jul 18, 06:45 AM
    I don't think the time is right for online digital movie rentals. Even with a relatively fast broadband service, it still is going to take a fair amount of time to download the file. If the file only plays once, or just for a day, or a few days it's just not worth the effort, IMO.

    I agree with respect to downloads-- but I think this is going to be streaming. Did you ever try the frontrow movie trailers? (before Apple let it go dead in January or so-- it was a beta test, I'm sure) Even with a hacked version on my ibook, the trailers were instantaneous and high quality. I think that's how these are going to be rented-- you'll have either a period of time you can stream (preferable) or a number of times you can stream before losing the rights.

    EDIT: Poster below me is 100% correct-- this is about ipods; they'll have to sell downloads for those and they wont be anything like DVD quality.

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  • Multimedia
    Aug 25, 09:59 AM
    If they bring out a core2duo mac mini it will be faster than my 18month old power mac.Duh. Welcome to the completed transition. I need to run a few tests to confirm this once they are out, but I think any Core 2 Mac may be faster than the Dual 2GHz G5 PowerMac from October of 2005.cant see it happening, they might go for a faster core duo in the mac mini and macbook then core 2 duo in iMac and Macbook proThen you are in denial. Core Duo is already history. And Apple doesn't like to be selling historical artifacts any longer than they must - especially when the new state-of-the-art processors don't cost them any more. :rolleyes:I don't think we are going to see Core Duos in Apples for much longer, though it is possible that the base Mini will offer a Core Duo, and the better model a Core 2 Duo.

    Still, I think it much more likely that with this revision, both Minis will sport Core 2 Duos, probably Meroms to keep them quiet and lower-powered, and will feature the 965 graphics chipset which frankly is a very nice and inexpenisve graphics solution.

    What I am really hoping is that there will be an add-on base module in a similar form factor to turn any Mini into a full-blown HD/Audio media centre. Now that could really be exciting. While Tivos and Sky+ boxes are welcome in my home, we are just aching for someone to really rethink the entire home media experience. I'd love to see Apple take a shot at that.I think the addition of the new EyeTV hybrid USB2 Digital-Analog Broadcast Tuner ( may be a significant part of the ticket you are looking for with a new 1.66GHz Core 2 Duo mini. Ships early September for only $150. They have combined two large bulky Firewire tuners from older products they previously sold only separately for a combined price of $500 into a tiny not-much-bigger-than-a-flash-ram-stick USB2 product that will sell for only $150. It's a miracle!

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  • Doctor Q
    Jul 18, 02:46 PM
    Movies will have a limited number of plays, rather than a limited number of time to view. Or, alternately, you will pay-per-view (literally).I rarely watch a movie exactly once straight through from start to finish. I might back up to see a scene again, skip the boring parts where there are no car chases or spy gadgets, pause to answer the phone and then back up because I missed a few seconds, stop because it's been 15 minutes and I feel the need to visit MacRumors and then start again the next day because I forgot I hadn't finished the movie, watch the opening scenes again after the final credits because it's fun after you know secrets you learn later in the movie, and so on.

    So what constitutes "one play" of a movie?

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  • kdarling
    Apr 23, 09:10 AM
    -- The cache is good

    Let's be clear: the cell/hotspot lookup caching was undoubtedly an innocently added coding feature.

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  • codymac
    Apr 7, 08:46 PM
    During the Battle of Britain the British Isles alone produced more aircraft than the Nazis. An impressive feat considering the resources available to the Germans.

    Indeed. The Brits produced far more planes they were able to produce pilots - roughly 20% of their pilots in the Battle of Britain were from other nations and came to be known as "The Few."

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  • Hellhammer
    Jun 23, 04:11 AM
    No thank you! Touch is useless in computer size of an iMac as after 10 mins your arma are full of pain and it's ridiculously slow too.

    Aug 6, 09:00 PM
    Hasta la Vista, Vista

    classic!! I want to see a pic!

    May 2, 07:34 PM
    I think this is the wrong way to go!

    Its pulling apart mac os into a waterd down version of itself they will continue to add this stuff untill there is no difference between iOS and Mac OS!

    What we'll be left with is a powerfull but waterd down mac iOS/hybrid platform with downloads through the app store like the iphone and ipad killing the powerfull features we have but running on every apple device!

    I personally think apple will kill the ability to download any content through safari in the future in mac os!

    So all apps will be vetted by apple and all music/films we HAVE to be made through itunes no popping on to amazon or whever to make a purchase through a browser on your imac or macbook!

    I hate the direction this is going they are building a walled garden around mac os slowly and dont be supprised the ports start disapearing on the macbook soon for a 30pin dock!

    Bad move apple!

    Apr 26, 12:47 PM
    "Amazon" is a generic term and should not be used for a store name.

    Apr 3, 12:56 AM
    ...but all the Apple quick to jump to Apple's defense...say that there is no such problem. :D

    You are dead on correct. Many people do not want to endure the wait for a new one if they return it...Many are waiting to see if Apple can resolve the issue in a future production batch. What good is exchanging if the new one is going to have the same, or worse, problem

    I love Apple products but I am always entertained by the rabid zeal of the delusional Apple apologists who insist the company can do no wrong...OR...they simply ignore the common, and obvious, flaws in the Apple product they buy, trying to convince themselves that they have the only "good" one...which on some subconscious level they need to tell themselves so they can believe they are "special" somehow.

    You did a poll asking hundreds of people if they are waiting for this very reason? Dude you're way wrong. The "many" people you are referring to are probably a very select number of....MacRumors members. Hardly indicative of the general population. I don't know if you heard- but people are going mad trying to get their hands on one. Your "theory" or whatever it is about people waiting to make sure the kinks are worked out is, well....stupid. I've read this whole thread and you seem to be on a kick about the light-bleeding issue. Yet you dont own one? Interesting.

    Apr 2, 10:54 PM
    Simply elegant.