Monday, May 23, 2011

albinism in humans

albinism in humans. The Human Eye - Albinism.
  • The Human Eye - Albinism.

  • mdlooker
    Apr 7, 09:31 AM
    Apple seems to have a choking mechanism at every corner. First innovation then price, market saturation and now production! Seems like a chess game going bad or even turning all the houses into hotels on every street. lol

    albinism in humans. Albinism: The beginning of the
  • Albinism: The beginning of the

  • X2468
    Mar 30, 11:05 AM
    That seems quite rude. Wikipedia happens to have a wealth of base level knowledge. I understand that one should not cite it when doing in depth research but when looking for general knowledge it is a great source.

    Many of my professors have realized this and told us that if we need a different explanation of something to look it up on Wikipedia because it tends to use more common language than out text books. The do not allow citing Wikipedia no matter how well the article is sourced.

    Just like any book you look at using for research you must weigh the quality before choosing to use it.

    That being said, any college level class in history that covers the Cold War will talk about Alfred Sauvy and his contribution to how we talk about the world during that time period.
    Kudos !

    Well said, it's so refreshing to read an intelligent courteous response.

    albinism in humans. Fun Fact 3: Albinism in fish
  • Fun Fact 3: Albinism in fish

  • Me1000
    Aug 2, 09:10 PM
    does anyone else notice that on intels site, the core2 duo is only refered to in PC's????

    albinism in humans. or are they not Albinos or
  • or are they not Albinos or

  • neko girl
    May 6, 01:57 AM
    Why not move their iOS hardware to Intel now that Samsung seems to be losing their ability to respect their own customer's IP? Intel would have no motivation to co-opt Apple IP (Intel doesn't build products), and they have the most sophisticated fab technology on earth.

    Ah, standby power you say?

    If Apple moves their Macs away from Intel that'll encourage a lot of Mac users including myself to consider switching to buying Windows machines. Boot Camp is an important Mac feature and Intel processors are the best.
    Windows 8 will work on ARM, as Microsoft has said.. current builds already do, apparently.

    albinism in humans. Albinism has evolved in a
  • Albinism has evolved in a

  • toddybody
    Apr 7, 01:11 PM
    People keep saying this like if they say it enough it will make it true.

    The iPad and iPad 2 were designed, created, released and supported with ZERO Competition.

    Apple creates products and experiences for their customers. I know it is hard to believe that everyone is just not as lazy as they need to be, and only do something if someone else pushes them but it is possible.

    What people don't seem to realize is APPLE is the COMPETITION that pushes the others, not the other way around. Apple destroyed the MP3 player market made with sucky products. They destroyed the smartphone market made with sucky products, they created the tablet market. They don't need competition, but all these other companies need Apple to steamroll them I guess.

    Sorry, I think youre inferring that Im in agreement with the idea that Apple purposefully stuck it to other panel customers...Im not. Im saying that whatever the reasons are, its not a good thing for other tablet manufactures. Stay well!

    albinism in humans. Spoiler:
  • Spoiler:

  • hobo.hopkins
    Mar 29, 04:48 PM
    A company like Apple could easily, make and assemble products here, the profit margin on an iPhone is around 60%, but if they did that then there profit margin would only be 50%, corporate and political greed.

    Remind me of why a company isn't entitled to make as much money as possible? Apple, along with most any company, could theoretically absorb the increased costs and thus make less money. The question is why would they do that?

    albinism in humans. is theocular albinism Mim
  • is theocular albinism Mim

  • CalBoy
    Apr 15, 01:45 AM
    Do you think there are any negative consequences to this? If I were starting a business and seeking investors, it would sure be a lot harder to get investors when the capital gains rate is 35% rather than 15%. That business would never materialize. Nobody's going to complain about it though because no one can see what could have been. The people who would have worked there can't complain the way an autoworker or public school teacher can complain. It's okay, it's not like we need jobs or anything. Let's just raise taxes enough on the top 1% of earners to employ everyone looking for a job. We can have them built a high speed rail network across the country. The only snag is our country would collapse before finishing one route. We would have a scattering of tracks as a reminder of our incompetence.

    There's also positives that come along with this as well. If higher capital gains were able to support things like universal healthcare and better education, then more individuals would not only be able to innovate, but also take the risk on themselves because failure wouldn't mean dying as a pauper on the streets.

    Our current tax system only encourages rewarding those who already have plenty. It does nothing for the small business owner that might lose his shirt if the business fails. We live in a land of extremes; you're either extremely wealthy or teetering on the brink of insolvency. That isn't the recipe for a successful society.

    You're also operating from a false premise. Investors would continue to invest in whatever had the best returns. When you raise taxes across the board, all alternatives have the same tax exposure, which means the previously best option will remain the best option.

    Unless you're seriously suggesting that a 35% (or higher) tax rate is really going to cause all billionaires to sit on their money and earn a lower return, just to stick it to Uncle Sam.

    albinism in humans. Albinos hunted for body parts
  • Albinos hunted for body parts

  • Hammer God
    Mar 28, 09:49 AM
    Glad to read about Mac.
    No so happy to read about the lack of iPhone hardware till possibly Sept :rolleyes:. I think if their going to wait until September, then we really need to consider the possibility of an LTE iPhone.

    My thinking too. If, by waiting another three months, Apple could release an LTE version of the iPhone, this might make more sense for them.

    Imagine what the holiday season would look like if more of their competitors were out with LTE phones and Apple was just standing pat with what amounted to a refresh of the iPhone 4. Instead, with an LTE iPhone out, they would avoid having tons of customers going over to Android.

    albinism in humans. oculo-cutaneous albinism,
  • oculo-cutaneous albinism,

  • flottenheimer
    May 9, 10:46 AM
    Have Apple ever posted any MobileMe numbers?
    Number of users? Revenue? Gigabytes stored? Growth?

    albinism in humans. Albinism
  • Albinism

  • Mac Fly (film)
    Jul 22, 08:03 AM
    I can't wait 'till WWCD :D

    albinism in humans. Example, here are some Mongol type Albinos.
  • Example, here are some Mongol type Albinos.

  • NAG
    Apr 25, 09:51 AM
    Scary, and seems to be US only.

    And remarkably inaccurate when I looked myself up. It has a bit of correct information on my parents. I'm actually surprised at how wrong they were since I have a fairly large internet footprint (of course, these guys probably don't have Google's database since they're just skimming).

    albinism in humans. Albinos and Morphs
  • Albinos and Morphs

  • davisjw
    Aug 7, 05:43 PM
    Time to sell the wife and kids...

    albinism in humans. en albinism in humans what
  • en albinism in humans what

  • Stevamundo
    Dec 14, 12:39 PM
    No, we do NOT have any responsibility to protect Windows users from viruses. It is each computer user's responsibility to protect themselves. Even if every Mac ran antivirus, Windows users are still at a much greater risk from other sources of malware. The common sense approach is for every Windows user to run their own antivirus to protect themselves from malware, whether that malware comes from a Mac user or another source. Mac users do not have a responsibility to burden their computers with AV apps, just because some Windows users may be careless enough to run without AV protection.

    It's ALL of our responsibility to try to contain viruses the best we can. I don't want to spread any viruses to my PC friends. That's called politeness.

    However I agree, if you are a Windows user and you don't have any AV protection then you're just asking for it.

    albinism in humans. Do albinos have her people
  • Do albinos have her people

  • camelsnot
    Apr 7, 12:50 PM
    Why the hell are people defending Apple in this regard? All Im hearing is "Oh ha ha youre a moron for thinking Apple should do things differently...". And they justify their narrow perspective by citing how successful Apple is doing. What a joke. Youre the same people who go "ohhhh, ahhhh, the 5750 must be a powerful GPU since apple says card in hand!". Im not advocating that we trade in our MBP for Alienware...but the fact is Apple is not providing competitive value for their MBP HW. *Labored breathing and shaking....I walk away to contemplate seppuku

    9/10 Apple fans think Apple can do no wrong. Regardless of their shortcomings, most seem blind and too eager to hand their money over the Apple without regard to the true value of Apple's offerings. The other side of that is, if you buy into the walled garden, you have to generally suck it up. Apple has always done it there way, and will probably continue to do it their way regardless if it benefits the consumer. I've found most of the time what they do only benefits their coffers. They could easily make changes up front, but feel it's best for their pockets if they stagger features over years at a time knowing people will buy each and ever "upgrade" Apple delivers.

    Related to the subject line, if it were any other company, like Microsoft, Dell or whomever pre-ordering and buying whole supply lines knowing their competitors would be strangled, there would be an antitrust/monopoly case launched immediately. The simple fact that Apple is a media and government darling precludes them from any serious thought by officials that would choose to stop this monopoly from continuing. Just as above, I know 9/10 fans here will blast me for stating the honest truth, but.. true story bro. Apple can do no wrong and their fan base is living proof of that.

    albinism in humans. Albinos hunted for body parts
  • Albinos hunted for body parts

  • inlovewithi
    Apr 26, 03:45 PM
    You might be interesting reading this ( MR makes so much more sense after having read it.

    Thanks. I like to call it denial of what makes a person uncomfortable, which creates tunnel vision.

    albinism in humans. albinism: genderbitch:
  • albinism: genderbitch:

  • Eidorian
    Aug 7, 02:44 PM
    The baseline is actually somewhere around $2100, you can lower some of the options when configuring.$1962 for US Education. w/2 GHz and 160 GB hard drive.

    albinism in humans. of albinos as ingredients,
  • of albinos as ingredients,

  • BaldiMac
    Apr 25, 10:19 AM

    They only make money when you SEARCH on your android handset.

    I'm pretty sure they also make money through Admob. :rolleyes:

    albinism in humans. associated with albinism.
  • associated with albinism.

  • kirk26
    Aug 3, 12:00 PM
    It's not scientific at all. No way in hell is it scientific. I should know, I'm a scientist, got a degree and everything.

    I'm keeping this for my quote. Classic!

    albinism in humans. inbred mutant albinos of
  • inbred mutant albinos of

  • iSee
    May 6, 08:00 AM
    I doubt this, but here's why it could happen:

    1. It's very likely that Apple is maintaining OS X (at a certain baseline of functionallity) on alternative CPUs -- including ARM. They clearly have a history of this and it has proven to be very valuable when they've had to switch.

    2. ARM processors of 2013 or 2014 might be significantly more competative with intel than the ones being used in phones and tablets today. I think a lot of the disbelief on the idea of this switch is focusing on the idea that current ARM processors running full OS X, but that's not how it would be.

    3. Apple has proven several times that they are willing and able to pull off this kind of architecture switch smoothly. When 68000 CPUs stagnated they moved to PPC. When PPC processors stagnated and intel CPUs jumped ahead they moved almost seamlessly to Intel. If any company can figure out how to do this without a hitch, it's Apple.

    4. Cocoa-based apps will move over fairly easily. They're aren't too many important Carbon-based apps left, with some major exceptions. I think Office & iTunes will be Cocoa by then; Apple doesn't care about Adobe.

    But realistically, Apple will only do this if there is a significant long-term win.

    And I don't see it what that could be... certainly not by 2013.

    If there is *anything* to this rumor (which I doubt -- how do a bunch of barely literate idiots get inside info on Apple's long term plans?), it's just Apple keeping their options open as usual.

    Nov 26, 11:06 AM
    To me, Tablets are worthless. I've had to deal with them at work because some people continue to order them for all their tasks, but they're less mobile than some laptops. They're usually the same thickness or size as a portable, so why carry something that's going to be crippled in some manner?

    Are they not getting the latest generation of tablet / laptop? These are functional as both, by allowing the screen to flip over, concealing the keyboard to act as a tablet, or simply opening up as a standard laptop. For example:

    Now, while I'm sure there are issues that come up with a joint like that, I'm also sure that Apple could come up with a way to make it quite rugged. They could have a MacBook Pro Tablet Edition. I have been desiring such a thing for quite some time. (I even considered custom building my own out of an older PB G3. Too much cost for too little reward in processing power. I want it as a new, relatively top-of-the-line computer... :D )

    Apr 14, 05:23 PM
    I think we can all agree that there is a lot of waste in government. The fact is, a lot of it is hard to find.

    I'd try to take the time to find it.

    There are people who specialize in that.

    Let them loose. See what they find.

    May 4, 03:55 PM
    As long as "preferred" doesn't mean the only way to get it, I'm good.

    Nov 13, 09:36 AM
    After hearing that they will delay shipping of the TomTom kit until December 2nd, I decided to give my local MacStore a call (not Apple Store). It was only $99.95 with no sales tax in Oregon. $10 more than Bottom Line Technologies, but I have the TomTom kit in my hands right now :)

    What is the name of the store that you got it from? I'm curious to know if I could find one in my area

    Dec 12, 06:35 AM
    Just got a notice from BLT that their expected ETA on the TomTom Car Kit is now 12/16. We'll see, but I wouldn't count on it.