Monday, May 23, 2011

Dacia Logan 2010

Dacia Logan 2010. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • needthephone
    Sep 15, 05:57 PM
    Sounds good. I want this phone!

    To me its optics which are just as important as how many MP's. I have a 2MP Nokia 6280 which is OK but its let down by poor optics- For a camera I would rather a Nikon SLR any day

    Dacia Logan 2010. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • Analog Kid
    Sep 16, 02:40 AM
    This is the most credible of the iPhone rumors I've seen so far-- in no small part because it didn't have a picture attached... The feature set sounds right, the move away from doing everything from the ground up sounds right. There's a lot of companies that have put a lot of effort into building technologies for cell phones-- it would be foolhardy for Apple to think they could do everything better. Get into the market with something that innovates in one small area-- even if that's just in its support for iTunes. Once you understand the market a little better, improve on the pieces you think you can.

    Dacia Logan 2010. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • GregA
    Sep 15, 10:44 PM
    '07? They've been planning for for years is seems like and '07 is the best they can do? It seems that Apple has a choice.

    1) Make a simple phone, make it look good and work well.
    2) Take phones to a new level

    I'd happily have a #1, but if their choice is #2 they may be trying to achieve things that mobile phones haven't done before.

    The most obvious of these would be to be a wireless VoIP phone - for use at home (ie iChat over Airport), as well as at work, at hotspots they've negotiated with (possibly a big play in conjunction with Google wireless?), and roam to 3G cellphone networks the rest of the time. This sort of thing may be a little complex :)

    Dacia Logan 2010. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • QCassidy352
    Sep 4, 08:22 PM
    an airport express that can stream video... could I be any less underwhelmed? :rolleyes:

    Dacia Logan 2010. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • gnasher729
    Sep 11, 07:42 AM
    No, not at all.

    An affinity mask sets the set of CPUs that can be scheduled. A job won't be run on another CPU, even if the assigned CPUs are at 100% and other idle CPUs are available.

    And that, by the way, is why setting affinity is usually a bad idea. Let the system dynamically schedule across all available resources -- or you might have some CPUs very busy, and others idle.

    Win2k3 also has "soft" affinity masks, which define a preferred set of CPUs. If all of the preferred CPUs are busy, and other CPUs are idle, then soft affinity allows the system to run the jobs on the idle CPUs - even though the idle CPUs aren't in the preferred affinity mask.

    Another aspect of quad core systems like MacPro or future Kentfields: On these systems, two cores share one 4 MB cache. If an application runs on two threads, it can run on two cores on the same chip, or on two cores on different chips. Threads that run on the same chip can exchange data very quickly, because anything that is in one threads L2 cache is automatically in the other threads L2 cache, but both threads together have only 4 MB cache. Threads running on different chips cannot exchange data quickly; data that is exchanged needs to be transferred through main memory. However, _each_ chip has 4 MB cache, or 8 MB total.

    In other words, some applications will run faster if using threads on the same chip, some will run faster if using threads on separate chip. It is quite hard for the OS to guess, but the application developer should have some idea.

    Dacia Logan 2010. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • sully677
    May 1, 12:11 AM
    Any news about a 24in option?

    Dacia Logan 2010. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • SiliconAddict
    Sep 10, 04:08 PM
    Remember everyone. Intel sucks and Steve Jobs is nuts for going with them. :rolleyes: Just a reminder of the comments typical after '05's WWDC.

    Dacia Logan 2010. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • macintel4me
    Sep 5, 07:58 PM
    ok, just made a quick mockup of what i would like to see announced next week :cool:

    and make shure it also works with video_ts folders and avi/divx files (maybe via a front row API for third party developers like VLC?) ;)

    this would perfectly complement that itunes movie store
    That with a built-in iPod dock that syncs wirelessly. SWEET!!!! :D
    That way you could stream wirelessly or play with whatever is on the iPod.

    Dacia Logan 2010. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • Mac Dummy
    Sep 12, 11:23 PM
    where did the student pricing go? i guess there was an overall drop, but I was hoping to use my discount one more time before graduating

    I was puzzled by this as well. As a student I was kinda disappointed. I guess Apple figured that Ipods were more for entertainment and less about helping to achieve academic persuits.

    Dacia Logan 2010. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • ChrisA
    Sep 15, 06:48 PM
    Apple being a California based company certainly must know about the new law just signed that prohibits hand held cell phone use while driving a car. (Reasonable law if you ask me) with this new law we can assume the phone will have some kind of "hands free" interface. It would be very hard to sell a high end phone that can't be used in a car in California. Apple must know this, the law has been in the works for some time.

    Dacia Logan 2010. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • archurban
    Sep 19, 02:26 PM
    it's good to hear. somebody compare with TV shows download for first week. but I think it's not the same as movies because TV is always near you to watch anytime. but movie. you should go to buy it at shop or online store like amazon, or rental. however watching movies on HBO or other channels is not the same. so TV shows increase more than movie. 125,000 download is fairly good. of course it will be grown up very fast.

    I purchased two movies so far. hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. they are more than my expectation. near DVD quality. yeah, it is. it's hardly found the difference between ITS movie and DVD. they are just like TV shows which have no commercial. I like it. Special feature? hmm. I don't need. well, someone wants. but it't not a big deal.

    I hope that I will see more studios distribution on ITS from next week. then see how many movies will be added before next year.

    Dacia Logan 2010. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • dornoforpyros
    Oct 12, 07:38 PM
    haha, those store employees don't look to impressed. I imagine it's a "shut up and keep quite" moment while the celebs are taping. ;)

    Dacia Logan 2010. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • gugy
    Sep 4, 07:45 PM
    Apple, Please!
    Just give me a Media Center where all my music, video and pictures are store.
    A place where I can connect all my Entertainment room devices, a place where I can connect my HDTV display, a place where I can download songs and eventually movies, a place where everything is connected and works beautifully. A place where I have an UI that is elegant and simple as the Ipod UI or Front Row.
    Something like a Mac Mini format or little larger would be great.
    That's is what is missing in the digital lifestyle IMHO.
    Apple bring it on!

    Ipod widescreen video, also will be very welcome!

    Dacia Logan 2010. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • Optimus Frag
    Apr 23, 12:13 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I was under the understanding that the reason that the current 320M has been so impressive considering the aging Duel Core CPU was the increased speed of data transfer from the SSD meaning a large increase in efficiency in both the CPU and the GPU.

    So surely it stands to reason that if the intergrated GPU of Sandy Bridge is only slightly less powerful than the current 320M but will be partnered with the SSD and a MASSIVELY more powerful CPU then the sandy bridge MBA will be at least as powerful in graphics terms than the currant MBA.

    Am I just being stupid thinking that?

    Dacia Logan 2010. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • berkleeboy210
    Aug 31, 10:04 PM
    If Apple is planning to introduce a video iPod and movie service on the 12th, might it makes sense to release updates of some products, such as the MBP, the previous week, giving the full spotlight to the new products. There really doesn't need to be a special press event for an updated laptop, even if it does have a new case (as I don't expect it to be too different). It would certainly give Apple lots of positive press about the updates and fuel even more talk about what was coming the following week.

    Just my usual 2� worth....

    Completely Agree. I think there were also rumors of releases on Sept. 5 so that could be for the laptops.

    The complete refresh of the iBook (now macbook) line didn't get any media fanfare, so I don't see why an updated MBP should be any different.

    just do a quiet press release on the website, and save the *new* products and download services for the press event.

    Then if they wanted to at the event, just say that the majority of our computers now have the Core 2 Duo processors and were introduced last week, and have begun shipping today. or something to that effect

    Dacia Logan 2010. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • iMeowbot
    Sep 14, 09:32 AM
    Photokina is a photo convention. Not a computer convention.
    So what? Last year alongside the Photo Plus Expo, Apple introduced Aperture, the quad G5 machines, and the last iteration of PowerBooks.

    Dacia Logan 2010. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Mar 18, 03:38 PM
    It doesn't need to be a virus. They're relatively rare issues these days even on Windows. Malware is about stealing identities (big money) not hackers playing games with machines (kiddy stuff). It's far more likely to target the iPad or iPhone than anything else, but saying it cannot happen is like telling Japan two years ago that their plants would be in meltdown after an earthquake some day. They would have laughed in your face. After all, it didn't happen in the past 40 years there. That obviously proves it could NEVER happen. :p

    In any case, it's clear to me there are some really delusional people on these forums. Instead engaging in an utterly pointless argument with a bunch of stubborn fanboys that couldn't be convinced USB3 was a good thing unless Steve personally e-mailed them, I'll just leave you to your false sense of security and just smirk the day you find your identity stolen, especially those that feel the need to insult other people (2 cents comments, etc.) based on their own ignorance.

    Dacia Logan 2010. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • milo
    Mar 30, 12:34 PM
    That's not true. I always find it annoying when I hear "THE App Store".
    Which app store?

    If that's not true, then where were you hearing the term "app store" used before apple trademarked it? No question there are multiple stores selling apps now, but if it was a generic term then there should be examples of use before the trademark filing. Example?

    Dacia Logan 2010. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • GFLPraxis
    Mar 23, 04:44 PM
    Im in agreement with this.
    Remove them from the App Store.

    It might be illegal etc.. but we must draw the line somewhere.

    I actually agree. Pull 'em. It may be censorship, but it's dangerous not to.

    Do it apple!!!

    You're all mad. Have you read the description on applications like Trapster? They list where common speed traps and posted-by-law DUI checkpoints are.

    This is setting a very dangerous precedent for app removals if it goes through.

    Apr 25, 02:04 PM
    The new Macbook Pro will be released in October/November 2011.

    Nov 14, 08:01 PM
    I�m not sure if anyone�s mentioned it yet, but Rogue Amoeba has posted an update that explicitly explains the API calls and what�s actually going on. It�s not just Apple�s icons that are in play here.

    None of these icons are shipped in our apps

    On the iPhone side, Airfoil Speakers Touch just displays a generic �album art� image that comes from Airfoil. On the Airfoil side, both the Mac image and the application icon are fetched using public Cocoa APIs.

    The call we use to fetch the computer image is [NSImage imageNamed: NSImageNameComputer]. Behind the scenes, the system has a store of machine icons stored away in the /System directory, and matches up your computer�s model identifier with their artwork to return an icon.

    The call we use to get the target application�s icon is -[NSWorkspace iconForFile:], which can be used to obtain the icon for any file on the system. Applications such as the Finder would use this call to display the icons of files and applications on the hard drive when browsing its contents.

    The code is not specifically designed to send Apple�s icons

    The code is fully generic and simply sends the icon of whatever application the user chooses on the Mac side. Apple applications are popular audio sources for Airfoil, but it�s entirely possible to send third-party applications like Firefox, Spotify,, our own Pulsar, and others, and many users do just that.

    Sep 5, 07:25 PM
    There's no point in having a hard drive, why would you even want it if you can stream in real time from your computer? And why make it a "mini" size box when it can just be something tiny enough to hold AV outputs?

    This is what I had anticipated a while back, but Apple went and invested in the Mini as the quasi-set-top-box. I'm not saying it's not possible, but I wonder if they would change horses mid stream, as it were. I think the video AE would be cool, but it's not quite mainstream enough for regular folk. The Mini, on the other hand, would be sufficiently mainstream if Apple cut the price a little bit and made Front Row a little more robust (and included a DVI to HDMI cable ;)).

    Of course, I can see both sides of the argument.

    Apr 28, 05:54 PM
    Sad day for dem boys in Redmond

    I think dem boys in Redmond are pretty happy with their salaries, statuses, and results considering how much creativity and effort they put in it. Not much. The one who's sad is probably Bill Gates seeing how others are running the company now.

    Sep 15, 06:26 PM
    This doesn't mean they will just re-brand a might just mean they are buying transmitters/etc. from other sources rather than engineering their own. Depending on what they buying "off the shelf," this only makes sense...why re-create the wheel?

    Of course they may end up just re-branding a phone, but that doesn't really seem like the Apple thing to do.
    Apple will most likely buy a platform from a manufacturer like SonyEricsson. That doesnt mean it will look or feel like a SonyEricsson. LG has bought platforms from SE and they differ quite a lot from SE's phones.