Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Kreativ Blogger Award

Write 10 facts about yourself
Pass the award on to ten bloggers
I was tagged by Sammy of The Nailasaurus. Thank you, Sammy!

1. I lived in Peru for three months last spring, including 3 weeks where I lived in a shack in the jungle with no electricity or running water.
2. I love comic books. My favorite series is Love & Rockets by Jaime & Gilberto Hernandez.
3. I am a whopping 7 inches taller than my boyfriend.
4. I have five piercings--both earlobes, my tongue, and both sides of my nose.
5. I am a sucker for leopard print! I wish I was steadier of hand and thus able to do leopard print on my nails, but I just make a huge mess.
6. Pad thai is my favorite food. 
7. I love to read and I'm so excited for summer, when I can read what I want to instead of just stuff for school. 
8. I am obsessed with the New York Times crossword puzzle.
9. Most of my favorite TV shows got cancelled after only one or two seasons...Freaks & Geeks, Firefly, Dead Like Me, Twin Peaks, My So-Called Life, Pushing Daisies, etc.
10. I love napping and I think I'm gonna have myself a bit of a nap right after I post this!

I'm supposed to tag 10 people but since everyone & their mom has already done this, I'm going to cop out.