Thursday, May 26, 2011

navy seals logo

navy seals logo. a Navy Seals logo while
  • a Navy Seals logo while

  • vniow
    Aug 7, 05:10 PM
    If you have the command line version of Mplayer, perhaps try this in Terminal:

    % mplayer -dumpfile wwdc_keynote_2006 -dumpstream rtsp://

    Altenatively you could try to use VLC and its transcoding wizard.

    I don't have access to either of these presently so someone else is going to have to test it...

    Edit: I'm testing the VLC option now...and it just crashed. :(

    navy seals logo. navy seals logo. U. S. Navy Seals logo)
  • navy seals logo. U. S. Navy Seals logo)

  • Unprocessed1
    Jan 11, 05:12 PM
    using nocturne version 1.04 and no options for the task bar?

    navy seals logo. SEAL Team Six was originally
  • SEAL Team Six was originally

  • kansast
    Nov 3, 11:57 AM
    What did the city officals think they were going to accomplish? This is cell phone service, there are no gaurantees of service quality enforced by law and a cell phone is by no means a necessity of life. If the service sucks, why doesn't everyone in town change carriers? That's what the free market is about.

    Yea. but what to do when you were an AT&T customer, migrating to Cingular.. stuck in a contract.. with service that simply doesn't work.. then what is a 'customer' to do ??

    Believe me, I had to fight TOOTH and NAIL with cingular.. took me almost a year to get OUT of a service that didn't work.

    navy seals logo. navy seals logo. NAVY SEALS TEAM LOGO
  • navy seals logo. NAVY SEALS TEAM LOGO

  • X2468
    Apr 5, 12:08 AM

    navy seals logo. Department of the Navy Seal
  • Department of the Navy Seal

  • addicted44
    Apr 13, 03:13 PM
    Why Apple does not post the details on its Website???

    Because its a "sneak peek" "preview".

    Fact is that FCPX is going to be released in June, but be incomplete. The question is how incomplete. Apple probably doesn't know the answer to that either, which is why they are only giving out details for stuff they are sure about.

    navy seals logo. Tactical
  • Tactical

  • fitinferno
    Sep 5, 09:30 PM
    To wrap up, those of you who have smart phones, whattya use AND what do you think to probability that Apple will release a phone w/ smart phone capabilities?



    If Apple were at some point going to add a smartphone capabilities into its iPhones, then I doubt it'd be in the first version. If they do this, they're jumping into the mobile phone making market for the first time, so it'd be way too big a leap to jump in with a phone that's the swiss army knife of the digital age. The goal is going to be take away mainstream phone sales from companies that are launching phone & music playing devices. Smartphone users, while high in number, are still not mainstream.

    Maybe someday they'll have a range of phones and smartphone will be an option? Are you a Newton fan by any chance? :P

    And my current "smartphone" is a Palm T|C and a Moto SLVR.

    navy seals logo. NAVY SEALS logo fail by
  • NAVY SEALS logo fail by

  • aranhamo
    Oct 13, 02:49 PM
    Yep, there was a story in the paper last week about how the National Australia Bank (we're talking billions upon billions of dollars, they've got fingers in pots all over the world, massive corporation and they employ thousands) has only just got around to rolling out XP over the old 2000 Pro systems. They won't be looking to upgrade to Vista for a few years yet.

    I dare say it's the same for most big business, they don't want to risk anything by upgrading to the latest and greatest until it's had years of real-world testing and updates.

    I work for a multi-billion-dollar, multi-national corporation that employs tens of thousands and has tens of thousands of computers, and the IT department recently sent out a memo that they are beginning the transition from Windows 2000 to Windows XP, to be finished sometime in 2008 (my desktop is scheduled to be upgraded to XP sometime in 2008). They spent 5 years of testing and tweaking their systems for Windows XP; it'll probably be at least 2012 before they upgrade to Vista.

    I recently spoke to one of the CIOs, and he said they already have concerns about Vista because it incorporates functions into the OS that the IT group already uses third party software for. That means even more testing and tweaking than normal, and possibly a delay in adopting Vista while they wait for contracts with third-parties to expire.

    navy seals logo. Navy Seals Logo Fail by
  • Navy Seals Logo Fail by

  • Eric5h5
    Oct 14, 05:43 PM
    I don't understand the importance of this. A university in a country I don't live in has started to buy more Macs? Colour me unimpressed.

    I'm unimpressed that you're unimpressed. There's more to the world than your own backyard, and anyway, did you read the whole thing? Does the word "trend" mean anything? :)


    navy seals logo. Navy SEAL Logo T
  • Navy SEAL Logo T

  • Ruhruh
    Apr 4, 09:59 PM
    What has Android gained with its increased market share?

    Devs are still making more apps and money for and from iOS.

    Apple is making way more money then Android phone makers.

    Accessory makers are making more money.

    Consumers get updates and apps before Android, for the most part.

    Jailbreaking, while hopefully becomes less needed as iOS grows, is easy for anyone that can use an iPhone. Rooting on an Android is not as easy for every single model.

    I'm a google fan and an Android user, but I am switching to the iPhone 5. One less to add to the Android surge.

    navy seals logo. Navy Seal logo ballcap
  • Navy Seal logo ballcap

  • *LTD*
    Apr 27, 02:28 PM
    I'll get slammed for this - but I don't care. Apple is playing a big part in the dumbing down of (some of) society by taking control/options away from users and keeping a walled garden.

    Making tech simpler and more enjoyable to use for everyone is *helping* society. You shouldn't need any kind of extra training to use a "computer."

    Apple's "walled garden" is the REASON for their success. Didn't you know that? They've been doing the walled garden thing for over a decade. The result? Exxon Mobil's about to occupy second place. Apple has more spare cash than the total worth of a lot of not-insignificant tech companies. And consumers time and time again have given their consent. Apple's approach is a *good* thing for everyone. Their results show pretty clearly that consumers have said YES to Apple's approach. Yes in good times, yes in a recession. It's been constant, some would say totally unprecedented growth for Apple. That's huge. Both because a lot of their gear tends to be more expensive, their ecosystem is controlled, and they usually don't license anything out to anyone (I thank my lucky stars for this last point every day.)

    We don't need more "options." There are so many options out there it's absolutely staggering. What we *need* is simpler, usable, enjoyable tech, for *everyone.* Throwing an ocean of options at the user is not the answer. Having a ****-load of options available purely for the sake of having them available, is not the answer. Making tech easy, accessible, and as worry-free as possible is the answer. That means you can't take the stuff you make and let other people mess with it. That means closed licensing. That means actually paying attention to what is done with the tech. That means keeping a tight rein on who can alter it and how it's done.

    This is why Apple is so successful, usually by doing the opposite of everyone else. Which, in turn, prompts everyone else (with a few exceptions) to move more in Apple's direction, ironically.

    Now your mom and your grandma can use tech and look like experts doing it, thanks to Apple. If you think that particular perspective doesn't matter, you're in for a huge surprise over the next few years.

    navy seals logo. SOCOM US NAVY SEALS LOGO

  • D4F
    Apr 5, 11:13 AM
    Two words: UI responsiveness. The huge boost the A4 provides makes the iPhone 4 worlds better than the iPhone 3/3GS. In relation to Android devices, their UI responsiveness SUCKS, even when they're running a 1GHz Snapdragon processor, which makes using them an exercise in frustration.

    iOS rocks the socks off Android from a UI responsiveness perspective, and this is a CRUCIAL PIECE in growing and maintaining a user base. Most people don't care about the tech specs. They just want a device that meets their needs and feels "fast," and Apple has been able to provide that far better than any other smartphone maker.

    UI sucks on Android devices?
    You never had one and you are a retard cause you try to make a point without having ANY experience on the topic you are commenting on.
    Typical ifanboy trying to justify his purchase.

    I have both ip4 and the original desire. Never ever had any issues with responsiveness. Only issue here is you all frustrated and looking dumb doing it.

    navy seals logo. Navy Seal logo ballcap
  • Navy Seal logo ballcap

  • leowyatt
    Mar 12, 11:08 AM
    Here is current desktop

    navy seals logo. Black NAVY SEAL LOGO Deluxe
  • Black NAVY SEAL LOGO Deluxe

  • buffalo
    Nov 2, 02:59 PM
    enough of these darn iPhone rumors. I really need a new phone but don't want to wait until January / Spring. And since I have verizon, it probably won't work for either.

    navy seals logo. navy seals logo. lack ops navy seals emblem.
  • navy seals logo. lack ops navy seals emblem.

  • lordonuthin
    Aug 28, 12:26 PM
    Here is a snippet from the console, it includes all the parameter and I did just change the size to big and set -advmethods.

    navy seals logo. that of the Navy SEALs.
  • that of the Navy SEALs.

  • daze
    Sep 12, 02:48 PM
    Excellent update. To think, I just bought a 2GB Nano...

    navy seals logo. navy seals logo. lack ops navy seals emblem.
  • navy seals logo. lack ops navy seals emblem.

  • freeny
    Jul 11, 03:26 PM
    Everything burns and is flamable at the right temperature.

    navy seals logo. Navy Seals logo
  • Navy Seals logo

  • Taustin Powers
    Jun 25, 03:51 AM
    <snip> dumbass post <snip>

    You haven't been around here very long, have you?

    With time, you will learn that

    a) the fanboyism level is generally very low here


    b) most of the regulars own and enjoy multiple consoles.

    Exceptions pop up now and then, but they usually don't last long. (We'll see how you do... ;) ) If people here think Kinect looks ridiculous, it likely has NOTHING to do with the fact that Microsoft made it. Most of us own a 360 and still think it's crud.

    navy seals logo. Navy SEAL Logo T;
  • Navy SEAL Logo T;

  • bankshot
    Oct 18, 03:47 PM
    I couldn't care less about video, and wireless syncing is likely to be too slow to be useful. However, it recently occurred to me that there's a killer application for wireless in the iPod, and I hope Apple doesn't miss the boat here. They've been going on and on about how so many car manufactures offer iPod integration kits now, but every one of those requires you to pull the iPod out of your pocket/bag/whatever and plug it into the car. It's still kind of a pain.

    Imagine having audio wirelessly sent to your car's stereo. The iPod is in your pocket, you're listening on headphones as you walk up to your car. You get in, turn it on, and without missing a beat, the music is playing on your car speakers. You never had to touch the iPod - it's still in your pocket.

    It seems to me that this is exactly the kind of seamless integration that Apple strives for. And if there were a stereo kit available that worked with this, I'd get it in a heartbeat. Of course, they could also do it for home stereos a la Airport Express. You arrive home, walk in the door, and your music is playing right where it left off on your home stereo. Maybe the iPod would even pause it while no headphones or wireless receivers are connected - so you don't miss that cool solo while walking from the driveway to the front door.

    Am I alone in thinking this would be the coolest and most useful application of wireless?

    navy seals logo. Navy SEAL Logo Military White
  • Navy SEAL Logo Military White

  • Alvi
    Apr 11, 08:17 AM
    Is Carbon Fiber as Eco Friendly as Aluminium?

    Maybe that's why they haven't gone for it?

    Apr 15, 08:02 AM
    i wish i had laptops when i was in school - i might have progressed more :p

    yep there network there rules - always

    Nov 13, 06:48 PM
    I had trouble with closing the lid under Windows XP for standby, hope this does something :)

    Dec 7, 02:09 PM
    This is terrific! I imagine that it caches the report until you have reception, can you verify?

    I'm eager to highlight a handful of locations.

    Oct 18, 03:43 PM
    I don't think it'll be a replacement.

    iPod 1G-3G
    iPod photo 4G
    iPod video 5G/5.5G
    iPod nano
    iPod shuffle
    iPod movie

    The iPod's 6G, IMO, would have a real good WiFi solution and maybe a 100G HD, but I personally expect something like that later on.

    The iPod movie (as I would call it) could be released sooner (hopefully to blow the Zune out of the water) and get a head start on touchscreen and true video.

    of course iPod movie could do music and the iPod video already does video.

    the next step is to integrate a camera and phone. I think the way to do the phone buttons is with touch screen. Maybe the phone and true video will be in one because of the touch-screen?

    then again, who knows.

    rumors are cool


    I was in agreement with you until you started into the "over rumoured" camera phone integration crap...

    Would you really want a touch screen phone?...I need tactile feedback...aka buttons.


    Hard drive in a phone...I don't think so

    ipod movie player with flash memory storage...I don't think so (not in the next few years, at least).

    May 1, 01:05 PM

    I don't know, looks to me like a Dell T5500 with no monitor and configured fairly close to the base Mac Pro costs $2962.00 after a $520 discount. Its three-year warranty is more like Apple Care. The processor is slightly faster and the RAM runs at 1333MHz. The Dell needs an optional FW card but doesn't say whether it's FW400 or 800. Also I didn't see a mention of optical sound.

    That's a dual processor version, you can compare that machine with the octad or dual hex Mac Pro when you select the same processors, but not with the base Mac Pro.