Saturday, May 21, 2011

Apple Logo Wallpaper 3d

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  • DanTheMan
    Dec 22, 01:23 PM
    Did a search, but couldn't find any sites in the U.S. selling it....know where one could get it?

    I checked and I think the only place that sells it is Dension USA ( I called them because I am also looking to get this solution for my car and they said it would not be shipping until February 2005 and it will cost about $219

    Also of note with the Dension solution if you get a new car down the road and want to move it to the new car, it will only work if the new car is the same make as your current car (i.e. Honda to Honda not Honda to BMW) which sucks because they should just make it so you can just swap cable connecting the ICE Link to the car's headunit. Oh well I guess I'll see what the iCruze has to offer when it comes out.

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  • iMeowbot
    Aug 17, 02:56 PM
    Finder says it's 40.5KB but the uploader says it's 38.7KB. Does it fit in the size requirement? My first entry for the 'animated' category.
    To check file sizes as uploaded, you can get some browsers to tell you. For example, in Firefox you can Ctrl-click on the picture and pick Properties, and it will tell you the size in bytes. (39628 in your case, so you're just inside the limit).

    All you can get easily out of Safari is the size in K from the activity window.

    If you're willing to use the terminal instead of Finder, ls -l will also give you the count you're after.

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  • mikes63737
    Apr 21, 07:38 AM
    I'm excited to get my MacBook Pro (probably this week) and start on it...although the F@H website does not have an Intel version yet.

    Would it be possible to run the Linux version on your MBP? Linux and BSD (Which Mac OS X is based on) are very similar.

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  • wurgi
    Mar 24, 01:24 PM
    The lineup in front of Eaton Centre has already started...

    Makes me wonder if I should go somewhere else instead.

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  • TheWitePony
    Jul 25, 08:16 PM
    Here is a screen shot. As you can see the Print Center can see my printer, yet it says that I have no drivers insalled. And apparently I nee some drivers because I cannot click add to add the printer. Also, I just downloaded gimp print and it did not seem to work either. I believe that there is some problem with the all in one printers. This is unfortunate, i was planning on using the same printer between my PC and my Mac. I guess I'm going to have to network or move my files to my PC if I ever need to print anything, which is going to be a pain....because I refuse to buy another printer, one should be enough.

    Apple Logo Wallpaper 3d. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • Cromulent
    Dec 28, 06:25 AM
    How do I give out these invites... I know people who would appreciate it....

    I'm a premium subscriber so I am not sure if it works the same way for free account holders but when I open the client a little bar drops down at the top saying share Spotify with your friends or something similar. Click the link and it takes you to the relevant page.

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  • chaos86
    Mar 29, 08:01 PM
    That easy? I thought I would be something more complicated...thanks for the help!

    nope. headless computers are literally that- normal computers that have been beheaded. the only issue to overcome is how to manage it without a screen to look at (or presumably a keyboard or mouse to input with), and vnc does a great job of that.

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  • bevhoward
    Jul 27, 05:29 PM
    The iPod touch bluetooth only works for headphones. There's no profile for anything else...

    The blurb for the iTouch iOS4 upgrade blurb ( indicates that bluetooth functionality has been extended to include keyboards. Unfortunately, I have tested this on a 2gen itouch using two non apple keyboards that worked with an ipad, but they did not "discover" although there was indication that a dialog had transpired.

    Very disappointing... anyone know anything more about what the ios4 brings to the BT table and if the 2gen is even included?

    fwiw, I _was_ able to pair BT stereo headsets to the 2gen under os3 but it appears that the upgrade to 4 may have disabled even that option.

    Beverly Howard

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  • elppa
    Apr 27, 06:53 PM
    Do you use software for longer?

    Are you using different software?

    How often is often?

    Are there any repeat offenders?

    Are you doing different things now?

    Your description is incredibly vague.

    If applications are crashing, that may or may not have anything to do with Snow Leopard.

    Apple Logo Wallpaper 3d. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • Kobushi
    Sep 19, 01:51 AM
    All my AOL cd's make excellent beer coasters....

    so would my wife's country ones if she'd let me get my hands on 'em. :rolleyes:

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  • ezekielrage_99
    Apr 10, 08:45 PM
    To clarify:

    dude = male

    Demi-Goddess = female



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  • Cabbit
    Feb 12, 03:21 PM
    I tried a few of the CMS systems and found them not to fit my needs so i run my own CMS built on Zend Framework for my clients.

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  • zelmo
    Mar 30, 10:50 AM
    Imagine paying $9,000 for a weather cover for your $30,000 car.

    You mean, like a garage? :rolleyes: :D

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  • fatboyslick
    Apr 21, 02:38 AM
    Literally bought the iPad edition for �11.99 an hour before reading this post and thought I'd droppped a bollock. If they do drop the iPad-version price i'll be so annoyed.

    If thta happens in a retail shop - ie buy a t shirt and the next day it's lower in price - you can return it and get the discount guessing no such luck with an app, regardless of its price

    Apple Logo Wallpaper 3d. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • jegbook
    Mar 30, 06:46 PM
    The "right" amount is a bit subjective. WinXP requires 1.5GB of space, but you'll also need room for additional hardware drivers, room for temporary space/virtual memory, and room for games. You'll need to consider how much space your games will need. On my 500GB HDD, I partitioned off 100GB. It's not nearly enough for all the games in my library, but it allows me to have several of them installed while running Win 7.

    However, I don't think there's a right answer that anyone other than you can provide. Also, read the Bootcamp message and make sure it supports WinXP. I know the 2011 MBPs do not.

    Is there an echo in here? :)

    Good point about no official support for XP on current Macs--Win 7 only, if I'm not mistaken. Though, if you google around, it seems possible to get most things working. Would be a little easier, I think, on a desktop than a laptop.

    Happy computing.

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  • RobertD33
    Jul 6, 07:39 PM
    I'm planning on camping out at the bardstown AT&T. Anyone else?

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  • CaoCao
    Mar 1, 04:25 PM
    House Majority Leader Eric Cantor came to Speaker John Boehner�s side Monday, promising action by Friday to defend the Defense of Marriage Act, now that President Barack Obama has said he won�t.

    �I stand by [Boehner�s] commitment to make that happen,� Cantor (R-Va.) said Monday afternoon at a press conference, promising to outline their plans in detail Friday.

    Cantor said the Justice Department�s refusal to defend the law is a problem separate from the substance of the law itself, which allows states to decide whether to recognize same-sex unions in other states. The Justice Department has called another provision, that bars same-sex couples from receiving federal-worker benefits, unconstitutional.

    �Again I do believe that this is a case that is distinguishable on its merits and to have the administration take the position, the president take the position, that he�s not defending the law of the land, is something very troubling I think to most members of the House,� Cantor said.

    When pressed on what House Republicans planned to do, he demurred.

    �I think you�ll see that on Friday,� Cantor said.

    In a taped interview posted Monday, Boehner (R-Ohio) said the GOP-controlled House could appoint a special counsel to defend the law commonly known as DOMA, a suggestion first made by former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.).

    �It�s an option being considered. �� Boehner said during an appearance on The Christian Broadcasting Network. �I�d be very surprised if the House didn�t decide that they were going to defend law.�

    His office is currently researching several legal options and seeking feedback from other Republicans to determine how to proceed, Boehner said. A decision likely will be made by the end of the week.

    �I�m really disappointed in the president and the Department of Justice in the fact that they�re not going to defend a law that Congress passed overwhelmingly. It�s their responsibility to do that. �� Boehner said. �But if the president won�t lead, if the president won�t defend DOMA, then you�ll see the House of Representatives defend our actions in passing a bill that frankly passed overwhelmingly.�

    While taking legal action doesn�t require a vote in the House, the lower chamber could decide to pass a resolution reaffirming their support for DOMA and reiterating their justification for passing it in the first place.

    A handful of Republicans, including House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas), have already filed friend-of-the-court briefs, backing the law in a number of court cases where its constitutionality is being challenged.

    �We�re working with leadership to examine all the legal options before Congress,� said a senior Judiciary Committee aide.

    But gay-rights activists say there�s a whiff of hypocrisy from the GOP�s pledge.

    �Republican leaders have been claiming to want to focus on the economy, yet their insertion into this case would represent a hypocritical departure from that position,� said Michael Cole-Schwartz, a spokesman for the Human Rights Campaign, a gay-rights advocacy group.

    That�s the same argument Republicans made last week as they criticized President Barack Obama for ordering his Justice Department to stop defending the 15-year-old law that defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman: Why was the president wading into a hot-button social issue now if his top priorities are jobs and the economy?

    Anticipating that Republicans will mount a rigorous defense of DOMA, the Human Rights Campaign has been taken steps to fight back. Its leaders sent e-mail alerts to thousands of its supporters, launched a petition seeking to block the House from intervening, and have been huddling with Capitol Hill allies to develop a strategy.

    �We�re all prepared for [Republicans] to intervene in some way,� Cole-Schwartz said. �The question is how do they do it, how do they roll it out, and what kind of political hay they want to make of it?�

    Read more:
    Congress appears to disagree with the President

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  • Hrududu
    Jul 7, 10:16 PM
    You either loved or hated the puck. If it was clean, it felt great to use. I still have them and use one on the blueberry iMac I have in the garage. I personally liked it a lot. That said, I still use the original black Pro Mouse to this day with my main setup.

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  • Stirolak26
    Apr 6, 01:26 AM

    Lol he looks like an old hippy teaching creative writing or something at a csu. He is so dangerous he has to be kept in solidary and the entire cuban inmate population had to jump him and tackle him to subdue him in the 80s prison riots -- because the federal govt wouldnt deal with the cubans if he was still lose. They even had to escort him recently in a Hanibal lector suit at some recent gag trials.


    "Carter said defense lawyers could call Tommy Silverstein as a witness but warned the notorious Aryan Brotherhood leader known as "Terrible Tom" would be shackled in court "just like a 'Silence of the Lambs' character."

    Silverstein killed a guard in 1983 at Marion federal prison in Illinois after slipping his handcuffs with the help of another gang member and pulling a concealed foot-long knife.

    Silverstein, who has also been convicted of killing three other inmates, is the nation's most heavily guarded prisoner, according to prosecutors. He is confined to a special cellblock in the basement of Leavenworth Penitentiary in Kansas.

    "He will come out here in chains and sit there in chains," Carter said in a pretrial hearing on Friday."

    Apr 1, 05:37 AM
    :D if it were GM, wouldn't Apple call it that?!!

    May 14, 11:32 PM
    Only about 1 month? They sure weren't around very long.

    Flobee! A fellow Alamedan! Cool! :cool:

    Apr 24, 01:47 AM
    Personally, I let the phone drop to 0% and then recharge it to 100%. You really don't HAVE to, but some recommend it.

    When the iPhone reaches 100% charge, it will not accept any more - so, no, it's not bad to keep it plugged in.

    are you 100% sure about this?? just asking cuz there are times where i wanna charge my phone but its like 5 min before i wanna go to bed and dont wanna charge it for 8 hours . and its always rumored that leaving your charger on overnight will hurt the battery. thats the last thing i wanna do on an iphone since the battery is non removable

    May 1, 07:06 AM
    works just fine on my german install

    Apr 19, 09:17 AM
    go to staples or best buy buy a screen cleaning spray and some microfibers spray abiout 3-4 sprays on a small area of the cloth and wipe down the comp then dry it. Also keep a can of compressed air on hand to spray out the keyboard and little nooks.