Saturday, May 21, 2011

Bottled Water Brands

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  • MooVitZ
    Sep 26, 08:44 PM
    who the hell are cingular? what about orange t-mobile, vodaphone or o2? I guess it's US only again...

    Cingular is one of the only GSM providers in the USA. This is great news!

    Bottled Water Brands. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • inkswamp
    Apr 28, 03:53 PM
    Steve Ballmer about the iPhone...

    See A Mac User Debunks 10 Mac User Myths about Microsoft ( and scroll down to #2.

    Bottled Water Brands. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • splintah
    Oct 28, 05:38 AM
    i just signed up and I also send an email to steve

    i dont understand how someone doesnt support that

    you dont even have to pay anything
    and enviromental protection is a good thing in hopefully everybodys opinion

    Bottled Water Brands. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • LagunaSol
    Apr 19, 09:21 AM
    You must be a barrel of laughs on a shopping trip:

    You didn't answer the question.

    Bottled Water Brands. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • Hayzie
    Apr 25, 01:43 PM
    What if the new form took after the iphone4 and ipad2 with an aluminium body sandwiched between black/ white plastic/glass ala two 2 ipads on top of each other (touch screens together)

    that sounded better in my head...

    Bottled Water Brands. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • neiltc13
    Apr 28, 03:28 PM
    Microsoft is still doing very well. They're making the best products they ever have done and as a customer I am very pleased with all of my Microsoft purchases.

    - Zune desktop software
    - Zune hardware and mobile software
    - Windows Phone 7
    - Windows 7
    - Office 2010
    - Office 2011 for Mac
    - Xbox 360
    - Xbox Live

    All great products and deserve to be class leaders if they are not already. I can't think of another company (including Apple) that has put out such a fantastic range of very good products.

    Bottled Water Brands. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • zombierunner
    Apr 30, 04:19 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Will we see 1080p target display support ... It would be really cool to play xbox 360 on iMac in 1080p ... 720p ain't too bad but with all it's 27inch awesomeness 1080p isn't too much to ask for eh?

    Bottled Water Brands. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • RichP
    Sep 19, 01:37 PM
    I wonder if these people are buying one to "test it out" or are buying multiple movies.

    I concur. 1 and 3 months out will really tell how this service fares.

    So far though, it is a good start.

    Bottled Water Brands. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • SBacklin
    Apr 22, 09:48 AM
    Dump AT&T and get something that offers unlimited data without threats. If they change your plan I believe that is a breech in contract and you are free to look for another carrier.

    Capitalism rules in our society, money in this case speaks louder than words to AT&T. Finally we have another option, Verizon.
    LMAO...are you serious? You find another carrier in the US that has unlimited data and has the iPhone?. Don't say Verizon because Verizon has already stated the unlimited plans were TEMP and only to draw in new customers at the launch of their iPhone. They made clear, those plans will be going away.

    Bottled Water Brands. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • generik
    Aug 29, 08:02 AM
    I have just placed my order for a new Macbook Pro with a Core 2 Duo, I can't wait :D
    Me too!

    Bottled Water Brands. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • anthonymoody
    Aug 28, 03:12 PM
    With the switch to Intel, Apple may have to provide timely upgrades to remain competitive with Windows-based PC manufacturers.

    Aint that the understatement of the year!


    Bottled Water Brands. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 4, 12:45 PM
    And that is precisely why people who have concealed weapon permits are trained in the legal ramifications of carrying a firearm in the public arena. We don't carry firearms to "save the day". We carry firearms to save our lives. Legally, I cannot get involved in a shooting that doesn't directly involve me.. I have no idea what is going on and could just as easily be shooting an undercover cop as a miscreant.

    I'm not a gun control advocate. I own a gun. But I laugh at the absurd notion of being a hero when threatened. These glorified stories of what would have happened in situation X if someone had had a gun are laughable. It doesn't work like that.

    Happens about 2,000,000 times a year. Check the FBI stats if you don't believe me. You don't hear much about that because (A) our media doesn't like to report "good" shootings, and (B) about 97% of the time no shooting is required, as the criminal gets the idea quick and stops threatening innocents in a hurry.

    And most of the time when you hear that in situation X, if only someone had a had a gun...

    When that right to life guy walked into the church and shot up the congregation, people said if the church goers had carried guns for instance. No way. He opened fire without warning.

    Or take the incident in Tucson with the congress woman. No one would have stopped that with a gun either. It doesn't work like that. Yes you may stop a crime but it is usually a criminal who never intends to actually kill. If someone intends to kill or doesn't care about killing, then forget it.

    Bottled Water Brands. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • jafd
    Apr 25, 02:55 PM
    Those who don't want the superdrive have the option of an air. People in the music industry will always have a use for CD's. I just think no superdrive makes it an air varient not a pro.

    Ehrrrm, a superdrive is what invariably fails first and gives your laptop almost an extra kilogram of weight you need to carry around. Because taking it off means losing warranty.

    A superdrive is not a trait of a "Pro" laptop. The speed and reliability are. Imagine a RAID array of SSDs packed together in a package the size of a superdrive. Imagine a pico projector in that slot � this is what Toshiba is going to do real soon now.

    Bottled Water Brands. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • JAT
    Apr 29, 03:04 PM
    both articles say the division/business unit that the x-box is in finally turned a profit. in 2010 this unit also included Office for Mac and Zune. the latest earnings release has no mention of Office for Mac in this unit but it still has windows phone and Microsoft's IP Television unit. ironically the big profit jump came after office for mac was kicked out of the unit

    i'm bet x-box has been doing just fine and that windows phone and the IPTV units are the loss leaders

    at some point apple is going to stop growing because the market penetration of smartphones will be at the point where you are just selling replacement phones. since AT&T opened the floodgates last year for early upgrades we'll see how things go this year
    Microsoft itself claimed the Xbox was a loss leader. Back in back in etc. I guess you can argue that with them, too. Those other items are small potatoes in both cost and revenue in comparison. The Xbox IS that division when it comes to finance.

    Office for has almost zero cost. A few programmers.

    Bottled Water Brands. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • Westyfield2
    Apr 22, 11:24 AM
    As my first post to macrumors, I just purchased a 13" refurb 30 min ago. Oh well, still good technology. I can finally sell my 2007 macbook.

    Enjoy it, I love my 13" :cool:.

    Bottled Water Brands. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • Bodie
    Apr 25, 01:00 PM
    I love my unibody. So I may have to stock up before the change. Ha ha. :D

    My first thought tho was carbon fiber. Seems like there were some rumors about that. But I'm sure the aluminum body helps in cooling. So I wonder how CF would work. Perhaps a hybrid config.

    Bottled Water Brands. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • macman2790
    Sep 9, 04:59 PM
    all i want is a merom macbook pro

    Bottled Water Brands. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • CheeseFrog
    Mar 23, 05:55 PM
    I agree with you. if someone is drunk and is still able to operate the app they could be a hazard if they avoid these points.
    That's GREAT. Call me crazy, but I actually want to know where these streets are that drunks are avoiding so that I can take them and not have to worry about getting t-boned by Drunky McDrunkerton.

    Bottled Water Brands. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • donlphi
    Sep 12, 02:40 PM
    Err, can someone please explain what the fascination is over "gapless playback"?:o

    <pretty please>

    As of now, If I rip my Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon Album onto iTunes and put it in my iPOD, there are little gaps in between songs. If you listen to the album on CD, the tracks change, but there are no gaps, one song goes into the next.

    The same could be said for other music, classical music that is multiple movements, but THROUGH composed might have track changes, but lead from one section to the next.

    Kind of a small thing, but a good thing none the less.


    Sep 9, 01:49 AM
    20% is a decent improvement in speed. However, I won't be replacing my 20" Intel iMac any time soon. There will be a time when I can't resist the upgrade, and a 24" is very appealing. But it's not a necessity - it's a desire.

    The way things progress, I might find myself looking at a 3ghz iMac Core 4 Duo's in a couple years - and when that come out I'll be looking more closely.

    Randy at

    Apr 25, 01:44 PM
    YESSS! Exactly what i wanted to hear. I'm waiting till the new redesign comes out to buy my First MacBook Pro.. :D

    Sep 1, 07:20 AM
    Well, just to add to the Core2duo speculation, I got an e-ad from Dell this morning advertizing the Inspiron E1705 with the Core2Duo shipping Sept 15.

    Sep 11, 03:46 PM
    Close, Manic Mouse. I dont understand people's belief that every Intel chip made has to go into an Apple machine. I doubt the Conroe will be used in any Mac nor the Kentsfield. The range is covered, and I'm sick of these silly rumors of Mac mid towers.

    There wont be a mid tower, not now, not "Next Tuesday".

    Conroe is intels best bang for the buck. It would be stupid for apple not to use it, and go with chips that are slower and more expensive instead. But apple still does some things that are stupid.

    I still think we'll see a mid tower, or at least some mac with conroe. Tommorow? Probably not, but who knows?

    Apr 14, 01:23 PM
    Again, for those with reading difficulties, I made no such claim. I did agree with a post that implied it might be relegated to being considered Mac only. I'll still agree that might be what happens. I hope not, but I hoped FW would be successful too.

    I am pretty sure a google search will find some adult-ed courses that might be helpful for you.

    "You mean like FW was faster than USB and USB2? And yes, it will work with any USB device. You think that is an incentive for drive vendors to invest in it? Really?"

    ^ You implying it will be DOA. For someone criticizing reading comprehension I sure have to do a lot of work for you.

    Here's the gist of your worthless posts:
    Strawman argument

    What a joke.