Saturday, May 21, 2011

Brad Pitt Eye Color

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  • Catfish_Man
    Jun 17, 04:44 PM
    The labs, and just having 5000 other developers in the same place to discuss things with, have always been the main reasons to go to WWDC in my opinion.

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  • zimv20
    Jan 10, 12:38 PM
    yeah, it's not working for my firefox 1.0, either.

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  • doo-hik-ee
    Jan 12, 09:24 PM
    I'm liking the name 'MacBook Not Big'.

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  • uae
    Sep 30, 05:34 PM
    Yes...thanks to the new PB15 I am now a 100% mac user.

    I got a dual gig g4 about a year ago for editing and I recently got the 15 PB as my main computer to replace my Dell.

    Well honestly I'm around 90% switched now...I'm still using my Dell for QuickBooks and Quicken.

    I was going to get QuickBooks but then I saw that they were upgrading to 6.0 soon so maybe I'll wait.

    But my PowerBook is perfect. No problems at all.

    It is a thing of beauty. Extremely well designed. And I love OSX...and Mail's junk filtering is doing a decent job of filtering out the millions of junk mails that i get.

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  • ddtlm
    Oct 2, 12:37 PM

    Don't worry about Apple techies insisting that the new one is better... the fact is that no test has shown with any authority which is better.

    I also suspect that a lot of die-hard Macheads are currently in the process of brainwashing themselves to worship the DDR PM's in order to maintain the "Apple rocks" world view.

    I say that the DDR PM's are OK but not very exciting. Performance is not the primary advantage of the new PM's; I'd say it's mostly RAM and disk capacity.

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  • SLCentral
    Mar 13, 12:56 PM
    Hey guys,

    I'm desperate for help here. For the past two days or so, my Dock has been freezing up, and giving me the beachball if I moved my mouse over it, as well as making the enitre system so slow, to the point where it is almost unusable. Expose also stops working. Force quitting everything and relaunching the Finder doesn't help the situation either. The only icons I have on my dock are the Finder, Safari, Adium, Pages, and Maya.

    Here's where it gets really weird. Today, I decided to do a clean install of OS X, and I formatted it, and reinstalled it. Yet, the problem is still happening! It doesn't make sense. It tends to happen while Safari and Adium are open, but that isn't saying much becuase those programs are open 24/7 on my system.

    So, today it happened (actually, about 15 minutes ago), so I decided to check out the Activity Monitor. Since the dock wasn't working, I opened it through finder, and the dock icon did not appear on the dock. The program opened anyways, though. The Dock was using between 60% and 90% of my CPU, but a normal amount of RAM. Quitting or Force Quitting the dock would remove it from the list for a second, but then it would come back, with the same amount of CPU usage.

    I'm completely lost. It's not just 10.3.8 because on my newly formatted system, it hasn't finished downloading yet (it's still downloading other Updates). Once the dock starts acting up, about 30 minutes to an hour into the session, the computer is helpless. Expose stops working, and the computer becomes dead slow. The dock is not functional either, and sometimes disappers entirely, and I have to use the Applications folder in the Finder to switch between programs. Alt + Tab doesn't work either.

    Let me clarify a few things. No new RAM has been installed recently, although when I got the system back in September (It's a 1.6GHz iMac G5), l added 512MB on the same day. Only programs installed after the format are:

    GMail Status (tried closing, with no help)
    WeatherPop (tried closing, with no help)
    Maya 6.5
    iLife '04
    Adobe Photoshop CS
    Limwire Pro

    I'm completely stumped as to what could be going on. I'm sorry for the long post, but I didn't want to miss anything.

    Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

    Brad Pitt Eye Color. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • twoodcc
    Oct 30, 06:14 PM
    Oh, I got the core i7 started with bigadv it seems to be running at about 58 min/frame which would put it at 4.17 days.

    something seems wrong with 58 min a frame. at stock 2.66 ghz i was getting 43 min a frame. you might want to look over it and see if you can find any issues going on

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  • tytanic11
    Jun 22, 07:49 AM
    Please send me pics as well.

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  • r.j.s
    May 4, 12:08 PM
    No, they are tied to your Apple ID, so you will not have to buy them again.

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  • wilywampa
    May 3, 02:37 PM
    I believe your macbook uses ddr2 memory,whereas the newer MBP's use DDR3. There is difference in voltage requirements for those two standards. You can install it in the macbook, it just won't boot, but you won't damage anything.

    Why are you trying to do this in the first place?

    This page ( says the Late 2008 15" MBP uses DDR3 memory. I will check for sure when I get home today by looking at "About this Mac." As I said in the original post, I am doing this because I am upgrading the RAM in the new MBP as soon as it's delivered, and upgrading the RAM in the old MBP should get me more $$$ when I sell it. Thanks for the help, everyone.

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  • SchneiderMan
    Oct 24, 08:37 PM
    Very nice!

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  • jhatz
    Apr 18, 11:17 AM
    I would try a Mr. Clean Magic eraser on a small spot on the bottom to see how it cleans. It should work well. I used it on my old black MacBook and it made it look like new again. Don't use it on the LCD however. Get Monster LCD cleaning solution (it comes in a blue bottle for like $20). It's well worth it, the consistency of the liquid is a gel type spray so it won't ever run even if you spray directly onto the screen panel itself.

    Back to the magic eraser, it removes pesky oily spots that appear to look like wear on the keys/hand rests/track pad. I haven't found any way to officially clean my macbook until I used them.

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  • kbfr08
    Jun 6, 07:38 PM
    The larger one was my original vision. It didn't look so great @ 75x75px so I just put 10^7 instead.

    Also, I'm going to change up the colors, nothing is final.

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  • notjustjay
    Mar 4, 02:18 PM
    Maybe it means they're not sure, as in: "What is Toronto???"

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  • brn2ski00
    Jun 22, 07:30 AM
    does the battery works with ibook g3?

    Not sure, my guess is probably not.

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  • jayducharme
    Jul 21, 04:37 PM
    Google fell to the number three spot despite generating record levels of discussion for the brand, according to General Sentiment.

    Who is General Sentiment? Is he in charge of the mobile wars? And what is the Impact Value ranking? Is it this:

    And I guess this is how General Sentiment determines what makes the cut:

    I love the line:
    Sentence by sentence, General Sentiment detects the sentiment in each document related to a topic

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  • labman
    May 3, 08:36 PM
    whole things sounds fishy to me. no paypal no way you can dispute it. I think going through your friend is the best and only route and hope for the best. have them meet at a public place (Starbucks) even a police station I will bet he doesn't like that idea. all you can do is hope for the best worst case this route you have a over priced used 16gb I4. which is better then nothing. good luck.

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  • Arnaud
    Sep 22, 05:03 PM
    Hi all,

    Can anyone give me your personal thoughts on the 20" iMac?

    the iMac 20" is a powerful machine, with a nice design. Comfortable RAM (1Gb or above) is a must. My only comment: it can be kinda noisy because of the fans (and not only the faulty 1st revision), which is some time annoying because it's in front of you, on the desk (instead of under the table, obviously).


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  • Simgar988
    May 25, 03:22 AM
    Who's Seth?

    Seth green is the voice of joker in the games. He is also doctor evils son and his speakers blow the clthes off of women.

    Queen of Spades
    May 2, 02:02 PM
    If you search this forum or use MRoogle and type in Optibay, you get some threads that will likely be useful to you. Here you go:

    Selecting an adapter to install a second drive in the optical bay (
    MCE Optibay Alternative CHEAP (
    Where to get optibay? (
    Optibay Alterntatives? (

    Jul 6, 10:02 PM
    I'm assuming its all charged up/plugged in so I'll go from there with things you've probably alreayd done

    1. reset pmu/ change powersource
    2. reset pram
    3. check to see if the machine's backlight is off....can you hear any noises?
    4. try booting from a cd ?

    good luck, but if this fails you'll probably be listenting to the genius estiamte the repair time/cost

    Sep 29, 02:58 AM
    I've been using Keynote lately for work presentations. It's annoying not to be able to give them to PC co-workers. PPT such a piece of crap, and i'd like to be able to use keynote more, but sadly it's not super useful anywhere other than my computer.

    My first post here!
    I use Keynote to create presentations for other users on our otherwise Windoze network. I tried exporting to Flash, but most of the nice looking stuff gets replaced by dissolves. I now export to Quicktime using custom settings depending on application. You still get the basic interactivity- and the good looks. (PPT users are still doing their red on blue ghastly designs with slide in/out transitions!)

    Apr 10, 02:32 PM
    I do. Also just got mine engraved at Nike SF.

    Jun 22, 01:53 PM
    What do you reckon the stock levels will be? 10 maybe? Five 16gb and five 32gb?