Saturday, May 21, 2011

Funny Birthday Cake Quotes

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  • gamestriker
    Mar 6, 09:29 PM
    I had a 12 inch 867 before, and I could have cooked eggs on that baby! :eek:

    I got a new 12" PB, and its stays very cool, unless your running some intense programs, like 3D games (i.e. Unreal Tournament 2004).

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  • el-John-o
    Apr 8, 09:48 AM
    Hey all,

    So the untethered jailbreak for 4.3.1 is out, I updated my iPhone 4, which was a pain in the butt and I screwed up and lost all my jailbreak apps (no big deal since I didn't have very many and I only had free apps, but still, it was a pain), I ended up having to restore a couple of times, yeah, it was messy. What's worse is I have no idea why I did it, ha!

    So, is there any good reason to upgrade from 4.2.1 to 4.3.1 on my iPad (first gen)? Any features I'm 'missing' here? Seems to me like it's not really adding anything of value. Thoughts?


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  • Full of Win
    Jul 8, 09:27 AM
    Looks-wise, the Apple Pro Mouse has to be one of the most beautiful ever made.

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  • beatle888
    Oct 26, 02:33 AM
    Originally posted by bousozoku
    I'd like to see one that turns off the car's engine as soon as you start to dial. :D


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  • MrFusion
    Apr 24, 12:28 PM
    byteSizeOfElement is wrong. Your code will only work (if all other bugs are fixed) with 64 bit code, not with 32 bit code.

    Care to explain why? :confused:

    Having little faith in the user (mainly me) to actually release the pointer, I already decided to get the value by passing a reference.

    -(void) element:(void *) element

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  • iwoodworkshop
    Apr 11, 09:27 AM
    I made a few wooden suitcases for my macbook(s) and i would like to now if you like them and if anyone has any comments/tips about the design.

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  • gwuMACaddict
    Aug 26, 09:46 AM
    :D never had to switch :D my first computer was IIe, been hooked since then

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  • compuwar
    Mar 21, 12:44 PM
    I do have a lens coat on my 400mm, and the greatest benefit for me is that it keeps my hands warmer in our cold Canadian winter since I'm not holding onto bare metal.

    Down here, we have these things called gloves... :D

    On a serious note, I find that the pre-shaped neoprene Kayaker's gloves work well, as well as everything else you might need to touch in the winter- I can operate my camera gear without removing them and shove them into a pair of mittens while I'm waiting around.


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  • Adey
    Jul 21, 07:11 PM
    General Sentiment is part of an elite team of Mercenary Ex-Servicemen who reside in the shadows of the Los Angeles Underground. The full contingent is:

    General Sentiment (Responsible for monitoring morale)
    Major Improvement (Morale Uplifts)
    Admiral Butterfly (Aesthetics)
    Corporal Punishment (Deals with those who lower morale)
    Private Practice (deals with those unfortunate enough to have faced Corporal Punishment)
    and finally...
    Seaman Staines (added to the team only to provide Murdock-style comedy value at the end of each scene).

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  • appleguy123
    Oct 3, 08:28 PM
    Does anyone have a picture of a splayd?

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  • blueflame
    Dec 16, 07:41 PM
    did you see my post about an ipod photo 20 gig, gen 4 perfect condition, in box, never been ever used without the dlo iskin case also comes with an itrip.


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  • Kinetic
    Jan 12, 06:59 PM
    I think the name is stupid. But then again I hated the name Macbook when I heard it and thought Apple would never use that name so what do I know? :o

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  • crush500
    Apr 27, 08:55 PM
    I've read through several different things online and can't seem to find the answer anywhere. I'm going to purchase a 13" Macbook Pro here in the next few weeks and was planning on purchasing AppleCare coverage with it. However I have no Apple Stores near me. I do, however, have two Authorized Service Providers within ten miles of me. Do the Authorized Service Providers honor the AppleCare protection? If the HDD crashes, overheating problems, battery issues, etc will they fix it for free under my AppleCare plan? Or would I have to send it through the mail to Apple and have them fix it?

    I've read differing views online. On Apple's AppleCare page it says "Apple may provide service through one or more of the following options: carry-in service (to Apple Retail Stores or Apple Authorized Service Providers), customer drop-off (to UPS stores in the U.S., for iPod and iPhone only), direct mail-in service, onsite service (for desktop computers), or Do-It-Yourself (DIY) parts (so you can service your own product)." I wasn't sure if that meant you can get it repaired (at your cost without voiding the warranty) at Authorized Service Providers or if it meant that the ASPs will honor the AppleCare coverage and fix it for free.

    Thanks for your help...

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  • iGary
    Dec 9, 10:17 AM
    I find that a chilly day outside, like between 30 - 50 degrees Farenheit is the perfect temperature range for the G5 to comfortably heat up my small office. A really cold day, like below 20 degrees, is just too cold for it to keep up. Perhaps I need to upgrade to a quad.

    After cursing the G5 under my desk all summer long for giving me SLS (Sweaty Leg Syndrome), I now am reaping the full benefits of a G5. Kudos to Apple for thinking of us in these cold winter months by providing this great feature.

    Now, if I could just get that cup holder to stay put...

    Ditto. My office connects to an uninsulated storage closet and gets quite hot in the summer, and cold in the winter. My G5 feels especially nice when deflected against the wall toward me.

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  • treynolds
    Nov 16, 02:39 PM

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  • macbaseball
    Sep 25, 09:47 PM
    Well it sounds like you already decided on the Nano. You can't go wrong with it, as long you don't plan on expanding your music library anytime soon.

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  • mdavey
    Dec 22, 04:33 PM
    I don't really understand the co-location services

    I always got the impression that this was something that was driven by the service providers rather than the customers. Compared to even the cheapest 1U and blade rackmounts, the Mac mini works out better on the triplet ratio of CPUs, cost and cubic feet.

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  • mnkeybsness
    Jul 5, 10:07 PM
    partitioning drives is not something i recommend.

    i'm kind of wondering...did you buy a brand new computer, or was it used and therefore the drive is not formatted?

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  • macEfan
    Dec 8, 07:35 PM
    I have an 8MB SIMM that came out of an that 30 pin or 72?

    thanks, but the LCIII is 72 pin :)

    Sep 24, 10:36 AM
    Good work!
    I myself am about to help another friend return to the folds.
    She used to use a Mac years ago I believe, and I've been re-educating her over the past few weeks. She i believe is now keen to buy a Powerbook!

    Only dilemma for me is to decide whether to help her buy a refurb or new one!

    I hope that she will be successful with the purchase. The refurb is a good deal for those that want to save some money.

    Apr 17, 03:15 PM

    Apr 5, 04:22 AM
    this lookz like a hard plastic bumpber, it gonna break if you drop it :)

    Dec 15, 03:52 AM
    Cheers for your feedback guys! :)

    The animation is a little bit choppy in parts as I had to remove so many frames and change timings to get the overall file within the size limits.

    Anyway, bit of background on my entry...

    I wanted to use a character of some sort and Newton seemed a good choice because of the obvious connection with the apple; this also has some personal relevance because I have a degree in Physics!

    I've got a PowerBook myself, but the reason why I chose to drop an iBook on Newton's head is because the white shows up better (since I gave him grey hair)... also when I first signed up to MR I was interested in buying an iBook and my very first post was in the "New iBooks Next Tuesday?" thread. I had to change the text to Wednesday what with the recent releases, but I thought that including this all-too familiar thread topic kinda captured the boards :p

    I've got some ideas for other avatars too, but not sure if I'll have time to execute them...

    May 1, 03:42 PM
    DaisyDisk seems to give a good indication of where all those missing GBs are going.