Saturday, May 21, 2011

Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare

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  • Benjy91
    Aug 20, 06:27 AM
    It is truly a bloated beast, It takes about a minute to open up, plauges my screen with adverts If I open it without a video file. Bogs down the system massively too.

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  • snaky69
    Apr 22, 06:27 PM
    Charge him 20 dollars and a lap dance at your favourite strip club for it. That's a fair market price for a 4 year old computer.

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  • applextrent
    Apr 6, 07:51 PM
    I just released a free WordPress theme called iFeature for free. It looks like Apple's website and even has a feature slider, social networking, and sharing options.

    Let me know what you think!

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  • Mackilroy
    Mar 27, 08:32 AM
    Subjectively it feels a little different to me, but I've never had problems with OS X's mouse acceleration anyway, whether in games or otherwise.

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  • Old Muley
    May 5, 10:39 AM
    BBB ratings are no longer very reliable. You can get rid of a bad rating by buying advertising from BBB. I never trust a BBB rating anymore.

    Yeah, BBB has gotten so bad that I get suspicious of any retailer that brags about their BBB rating. The bigger the BBB logo is on a retailers website, the more problems you're going to have.

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  • rdowns
    Feb 27, 04:28 PM
    I just don't see how Gingrich can possibly be a viable candidate. Even with the brainpower of the greatest marketers and spinsters out there...The attack ads practically write themselves:

    He's not a viable candidate. He wants to participate in the extreme Republican dialogue an keep his name out there so he can rip people off into paying for awards (

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  • applemacdude
    Sep 17, 08:11 PM
    I dont feel like old school even though i registerd in 2001

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  • cfairbank
    Mar 11, 10:44 PM
    Ended up getting what I wanted, 32gb black wifi. Was around 35 to 40 in line. Once the doors opened I was in and out by 5:30. Granted I could have gone to best buy or target to get but I actually like buying at apple store. Guess it's the experience and the people.

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  • alacava
    Oct 22, 07:51 AM
    The Apple Store here is closing from 4-6 to get ready for the Leopard release. I can't see what they need 2 hours to get ready for.:confused:

    During the iPhone launch, we had some hands-on and a meeting also.

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  • 4nNtt
    Jul 30, 10:37 PM
    Thats what i thought.... And then i saw Unicom and thought this was about them making a generic copy of the iPhone 4. :o

    If they were making a clone they would be called HTC, Motorola, Google, or Microsoft.

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  • jrohlman88
    May 5, 11:38 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_8 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E401 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Does anyone know when best buy is suppose to get the new iMac? The only reason I want one from them and not apple is because if the 18 month 0% financing option. One sales associate told me this Friday, but another told me several weeks from now

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  • BigBeast
    May 7, 12:30 AM
    Thanks for the info! I'll be going to pick one up tomorrow if it's in stock! Also, I'm usually the guy who wants the FULLY upgraded system, but I think I'm turning over a new leaf. Hopefully this change goes well... :D

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  • balamw
    Jan 14, 02:26 PM
    Previous keynotes have been made available as free podcasts via iTunes, so unless they are planning the Beatles to reunite (including George and John) I predict that this year's will also be free.


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  • Sun Baked
    Sep 23, 02:45 PM
    No experience...

    Offer him a job in something he seems to have oodles of experience with.

    Like a job as the office hemorrhoid (especially if you already fired the last one), but it seems he's already overemployed in that capacity in any case.

    Sure it's a minimum wage job with no future, but even the office gopher needs to feel he isn't the low man on the totem pole.

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  • iH8Quark
    Jul 22, 06:36 PM
    Geez. That's almost as many users as arn has posts. :)

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  • ri0ku
    Feb 14, 06:31 PM
    lol so you dont own an iPad yet in another thread you were going to steal someones idea and "sketch it up" in xcode for iPads lol just lol

    Edit: And to answer that, your annoying me and others on this forum. Steveknobs is right... its a pretty crappy idea.

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  • idkew
    Oct 23, 06:20 PM
    Originally posted by job
    you're not missing much... ;)

    fine with me

    :( sniff sniff


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  • Macsavvytech
    May 4, 04:30 AM
    Oh! How could i forgot my desktop backgrounds :) (Sorry for being a little off topic) Damn, uploaded too much never mind then.

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  • Synthion
    Feb 24, 07:27 PM

    Umlauts make everything better!

    PS: love the logo:)

    Apr 27, 05:29 PM

    Feb 28, 07:36 AM
    I hope the national press has the respect to cover his funeral which should be at Arlington.

    Been there. Every American should go once in their life-time.

    Although I doubt you will get anywhere near the place when they inter him.

    Apr 25, 03:09 AM
    Anyone wanting to take up the challenge of developing a replacement for WinClone I would like to speak to them.

    I am talking about a commercial (PAID) engagement to write software that I would then have IP ownership over and would sell commercially. Happy to discuss revenue share models or straight $ for doing the job.

    There are some additional features over and above current WinClone I would like to discuss.

    NB: I am also canvasing recruitment agencies for a contractor to do this, plan to have something in place by middle of May, so first come first served.

    Apr 30, 12:52 AM
    i found this thread while looking for the solution to a similar situation. I too am looking for a phone with a QWERTY keyboard that does not require a data plan, but I also need a calendar that can sync with my mac computer. I don't care what calendar it is (google/ical/other) and and am willing to buy/download third party software, but am not sure about Bit Pim since fourm users' reviews seem mixed at best. I would like to stay with Verizon (cdma) if possible, but haven't found a phone on their network to fit my needs, so now I am open to any carrier. Any advice appreciated.

    Mar 12, 07:35 AM
    I definitely like purchasing from the Apple Store, but I didn't know what to expect with that line.

    It sounds like there are a number of happy people in getting what they wanted.
