Saturday, May 21, 2011

Poems For Pictures

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  • combatcolin
    Mar 30, 02:46 PM
    Arse to that.

    There will be plenty of stock to go round, so no idiot e-Bay price inflation.

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  • TrulyYuki
    Apr 6, 02:20 PM
    I would buy one. if it was a reasonable price. (

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  • Lyle
    Jul 9, 10:37 PM
    OK, so I'm going into "worst case scenario" mode here. Probably the primary thing holding me back on the current revision of the 15" PowerBook is that it has the slower AirPort built in, instead of the AirPort Extreme. Assuming that MWNY comes and goes without an announcement about some kind of update for the TiBook, is there any way to upgrade it to AirPort Extreme?

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  • Freg3000
    Jul 5, 11:33 PM
    I had to partition my old Blueberry iMac once when I upgraded the hard drive . . .

    I went from a 6 GB to a 40 GB hard drive in January of 2002 (at that time it cost me about $120!). When I popped it into my iMac, I was required to partition the drives, because there was an 8 GB capacity. I ended up with four 8 GB drives and the one around 5 GB. It was horrible. I separated my drives into OS X, OS 9, Games, Virtual PC, and Digital Video.

    So, I would also recommend not to partition. It really doesn't have much of purpose anymore.

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  • hackerpro
    Mar 26, 01:21 AM
    Hey guys, sorry if this question is asked often.

    I have an iPod Touch 4G that I had jailbroken on 4.2.1, but I messed with some system files that I shouldn't have messed with and I had to restore and update to 4.3. Is there anyway I can downgrade to 4.2.1 so I can jailbreak again?

    You can but its very complicated you must have your 4.2.1 file saved

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  • Mr. McMac
    Oct 31, 05:37 PM
    Mind sharing what the Beatles box set is Mr McMac?

    Its called Beatles Anthology. Basically The complete Beatles story on 5 DVD's. Interviews with Paul, John, George, and Ringo, concert footage, etc. If you're a hardcore Beatles fan like I am, I recommend it highly

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  • Joshuarocks
    Apr 14, 03:02 PM
    Check the SMART data on the drive and do a short test:

    Why does everyone keep using this program?? It is so unreliable.. I use something called disk radar and its 300 times better than voltans poc program. Either disk radar or DiskTools Pro - those are much better than using voltans garbage program.. for instance.. I got a 2TB drive a few days ago and already smart utility says its failing.. I call BS here and then I ran it under windows and using disktools pro and disk radar - the drive passed all tests and is NOT failing..

    Stay away from smart utility - its a POC program (POC=Piece of crap).

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  • bedifferent
    Mar 14, 09:57 AM
    There are others copies in System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FinderKit.framework/Resources.

    Yeah I noticed that too, it was almost an exact copy of the folder. I modified that as well. Interesting that Lion seems to be using frameworks much more so than previous OS X incarnations.

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  • DustinT
    Mar 7, 12:14 PM
    The impedance affects more than just the volume it also affects the quality of the sound pretty significantly.

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  • daryliow
    Jun 20, 04:03 PM
    Anyone? I may be very lonely queing on my own!

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  • Eniregnat
    Sep 16, 02:35 PM
    I have a 250gb Porche design and it's nice. I hasn't failed. It hums a little, and it spools down when I unmount the drive from the OS. I really don't get what all the design kudos are for it. It has a shiny front, and is pretty much a rectangle. I like SilverKeeper, the backup software that comes with it. Careful with what you choose to exclude during the backup.

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  • iThinkergoiMac
    Apr 27, 09:51 PM
    I've had no issues with SL like you're describing, including the applications you've mentioned. Remember that crashing issues may or may not be related to the OS... there's as good a chance of the software application in question being at fault as SL.

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  • LVEB
    May 5, 02:43 AM

    I'm new in Mac and HDSLR editing, but very interest to work with HD edit.
    So decided to purchase a PC or iMac/MacBookPro for mainly HDSLR (h.246) and Lightroom/PS/Apetuare photo editing.

    My question is will the NEW iMac
    -2.7GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5
    -AMD Radeon HD 6770M with 512MB

    Fast enought for the above mention work ?
    Kinda budget, so MacBookPro is my 2nd option.

    or MacBookPro
    2.0GHz quad-core Intel Core i7
    Intel HD Graphics 3000
    AMD Radeon HD 6490M with 256MB GDDR5

    Which to go ?
    Btw HD 6770M with 512MB / HD 6490M with 256MB GDDR5
    or last (AMD Radeon HD 6970M with 1GB )

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  • boss.king
    May 3, 03:30 AM
    Interesting to see a bunch of you use your cameras less now.

    So no one's tried the telescopic/telephoto lenses?

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  • maflynn
    May 6, 08:30 AM
    You know there's already a couple of threads discussing the features of Lion, why create another?

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  • mrrich
    Jun 30, 12:29 AM
    Not sure where to post "my thoughts" (as if anyone cares) but I haven't been in the right spot at the right time to get an iphone 4. I work during the week so that allows for weekends and nights. I'm actually quite surprised that the walk-in stock has been so scarce. Anyway, this is my first iphone, I think Apple is the smartest company around, they are the leaders, not the followers. IMHO. After calling every store in town that can legally sell the iphone for days and getting on numerous waiting lists, and being told constantly that "I have no idea when there will be more iphone 4's, maybe two weeks" I finally ordered one from my local AT&T store tonight. I'm never home to sign for deliveries and if they won't let me ship it to my office, then I can't do UPS, FedEx, ETC. AT&T let me "pre-order" a phone and have it delivered to the AT&T store, which Apple would not. I'm being told 7 - 14 days for the delivery, so we'll see. Apple is saying 3 weeks.

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  • Sweetfeld28
    Apr 17, 09:11 PM
    I agree with the rest, it was very good.

    It reminds me of MK12's Reel (, with the in your face graphics, and catchy tune.

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  • dejo
    May 4, 03:33 PM
    I'm learning about the Picker View and was pretty disappointed that the book didn't go beyond basic stuff. I went thru several other books and online as well as the built in Apple help
    You talk about "the book". Which book? And who is the author? Also, what were the "other" books?

    Not one had an example of putting a pic inside the Picker.
    The book was a single column, no example of multi column, or custom widths or loading from array.
    See the UICatalog sample app for demonstrations of how to, at least, use images.

    Basically I need MUCH more detail, eight book and not one goes into good detail.

    Is there any book that REALLY gets under the hood and opens things up?
    Of all the programming help/docs/books I read, it's pretty hard to imagine there's not a better book than these.
    Most books don't go into the kind of detail I think you seek. They give you the basics and then it's up to you and your cleverness to use those fundamentals to adapt things to your needs.

    Amazon's preview thing is pretty worthless, can't get into the meat of the book, the 'contents' doesn't tell you enuff.
    They'll give you sample pages from a chapter. Any more and they'd be giving away to real content and some would have no incentive to buy the book, would they?

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  • atszyman
    Apr 5, 03:53 PM
    Some one from some little European country kept daring me to try and catch up to them.


    Oct 27, 02:12 PM
    Originally posted by Inhale420

    not only that, but there is a limit to where bigger is NOT better. a 30 inch screen placed 2 feet in front of you doesn't seem to make much sense.

    Exactly. I mean, how many of these could they possible sell? And imagine the costs of making one. There would (most probably) be a whole bunch of dead pixels...

    May 1, 01:32 AM
    Hey guys, well i know absolutley nothing about programming.. where should i start ?
    I have a couple of books;
    Apress: Mac Programming for Absolute Beginners

    Feb 15, 07:20 AM
    I used intel

    Mar 3, 11:47 PM
    I have a wack-o-phone and I love it!

    May 5, 07:44 PM
    TS you are looking at around $400 for a used I4 or $599-$699 for new or about the same after ETF and monthly plus you carrier plan. this is why most in your situation a dumb phone and a touch is the best route.