Saturday, May 21, 2011

Mastitis In Dogs

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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 4, 01:01 PM
    So no one would have been able to shoot the 19 people who were shot (and 20 injured) in Tucson? Perhaps not the first one or two or even three, but eventually someone would have been able pull out their gun and take out the guy before he got to 5 let alone 19 or 20.

    It happens quite often when there are people with CC permits around, it just isn't reported as often as the nut job - who already was a criminal - pulls out a gun and kills innocents.

    It might have just happened here too - the who knows where three armed robbers were headed next. They found the 2 in a residential area and closed schools near there.

    And for the people wondering, Chula Vista isn't a very nice area and I'm not surprised that guards who are guarding the area (it is not a completely inside mall if memory serves) were carrying guns at night.

    Yes if five people in the area all pulled out loaded weapons and started shooting, they all would have hit the killer and no one else.

    No one could prevent what happened simply by carrying a gun. He intended to kill and struck without warning.

    What actually happens successfully is that criminals who do not intend to kill but threaten get thwarted. Actual killers or criminals who do not care about taking a life in the process are not actually stopped that often. It is a fantasy story concocted by wanna be heros.

    Look I am not arguing to take your gun away. I want to keep my gun too. But don't tell me these fantasy stories about how we'll all save the day with our concealed weapon. And don't tell me the story about the big bad liberal who wants to take our guns away either. Its just a wedge issue.

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  • jmoore5196
    Mar 29, 01:01 PM
    You bet!

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  • Rhema
    Sep 13, 10:58 PM
    Take a PSP. Chop the two ends off that hold the game controls. You have about a 3"x4"x.75 16:9 unit, all screen. User replaceable battery, openable back. quad GSM. Bluetooth. Touch screen, pressure sensitive to sense clicks. Touch brings up on-screen controls, translucent. Can bring up traditional number buttons, or a contacts list with a click wheel scroller. Speaker makes subtle click sounds like Mighty Mouse. Internet browser. EMail. The usual phone PDA stuff. *nix OS.

    Apple starts a virtual carrier in its huge new data center. Does perfect syncing, has all you can eat Internet at 3G speeds.

    It's also an iPod. Hard disk. Virtual click wheel. Stereo Bluetooth. iPod dock port. Headphone jack. Hold switch. No WiFi. Bluetooth will be extended soon to have more range and speed.

    It's also a video iPod. Wide screen. Virtual click wheel. Plays movies.

    It's also an IR remote for CE stuff and Macs. Interface ala Harmony Remote. IR port.

    It's also an Apple Remote Desktop. Links to any Mac, puts 2nd Mac screen on the device. Controls your Mac through touch guestures, Apple Speech Recognition, Apple Text to Speech, through phone mik/spkr or Bluetooth headset. Hooks over Bluetooth if Mac is close, GPRS/3G connection of Mac is distant. File transfer too.


    I would looove this idea, all around. although I really feel like the best thing for a smart phone is to have a keyboard. I really really dont think a virtual keyboard will work, because you can't feel yourself press the keys, and the keyboard would take up so much of the screen that you couldn't see what your supposed to type into.

    but as far as it being a camera, video camera, have a simplified OS X operating system, having perfect sync. and being able to remote desktop into your mac, that would be amazing. Also, i think they should put more 3D into the OS design, mabye designing it after the front row look. Having a mobile version of Itunes that you could browse though your collection just like the new itunes 7. different things like that.

    Also, how great would it be if you could make your own ring tones with your itunes library, like, choose 10 seconds from any song and set it as a ring tone.

    I have to many ideas about what I would want in a Iphone. One thing, I really dont like iPhone as a about iMobile? with all the talk about having all of your music with you, your photos, your videos, games, address book, etc. it could be branded as a mobile version of having a mac...iMobile.

    I just think it sounds a lot better.

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  • iMeowbot
    Aug 29, 03:28 AM
    I have never seen a PC manufacturer put out an ad that attacks Macs.

    It happens. (

    Gateway, Inc. (NYSE: GTW) today launches its sleek new Gateway Profile(R) 4 all-in-one PC with an aggressive advertising campaign encouraging people to compare it head-to-head with the Apple iMac computer on design, performance and value. TV, print and Web ads employ hard facts to demonstrate the superiority of the Gateway Profile 4 over the iMac.

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  • arcite
    Apr 28, 03:28 PM
    Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.... Oh and beat Microsoft in first Quarter profits. :cool:

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  • bobber205
    Sep 8, 01:30 PM
    Ok, my prediction:

    New nano will have to have a new name, or more than 4gb in the low end, otherwise it will be available as part of the get a free ipod campaign... i don't think apple will do that. Reminds me of a certain SNL skit.

    or... mb and mbp will be upgraded to C2D... the rebate clearly lists only core duo systems as eligible. then you won't be able to get any free ipods except with a mac pro

    there you have it
    I remember that SNL skit too. That was great.

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  • 0815
    Apr 20, 12:17 PM
    Time to check my wifes iPhone backup tonight :rolleyes:

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  • Half Glass
    Sep 14, 10:09 AM
    Co-branding is a better idea because yes, unless they make a camera that would take Canon or Nikon lenses on their own it would be a failure as a pro tool.


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  • yoak
    Sep 26, 08:01 AM
    I hope and think that Europe is to big a market to ignore.
    The cellphone market is huge here, there are now sold more cell phones than there are people in Norway:eek:

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  • sevimli
    Apr 20, 09:55 AM
    This really sucks! :eek:

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  • Stevamundo
    Apr 28, 06:02 PM
    Microsoft is still doing very well. They're making the best products they ever have done and as a customer I am very pleased with all of my Microsoft purchases.

    - Zune desktop software
    - Zune hardware and mobile software
    - Windows Phone 7
    - Windows 7
    - Office 2010
    - Office 2011 for Mac
    - Xbox 360
    - Xbox Live

    All great products and deserve to be class leaders if they are not already. I can't think of another company (including Apple) that has put out such a fantastic range of very good products.

    Really? I mean really? Zune? You forgot to write down Vista too kid. LOL!

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  • vi2867
    Oct 12, 01:55 PM

    Just make the click wheel black, and the controls red, and you got yourself the New U2 iPod Nano!

    The metallic candy apple red makes it look good...

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  • Rowbear
    Jan 1, 09:21 AM
    It makes sense. iProducts are increasingly becoming ubiquitous, therefore they will become more profitable for malware developers to attack. It's not a McAfee sales pitch so much as it's stating the obvious. Same with Android.

    Sad, but true :(

    (And I don't feel the need to argue or debate or say more in this thread to justify this obvious fact.)

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  • aohus
    Apr 19, 12:28 PM
    Apple should just buy out Samsung!

    Simplistic, I know.


    Samsung is a 'chaebol' corporation, a conglomerate. The company is HUGE. It would be the equivalent of Apple/Microsoft/Blackberry combined + TSMC/Global Foundries + Shipbuilding + Property Real Estate + Electronics, etc. Not only that but Apple gets their A4/A5 chips + flash memory manufactured at Samsung fab plants.

    This is the GUI wars all over again... Last time Apple sued Microsoft for copying their GUI desktop to make Windows....

    (and no Xerox didn't invent that they invented windowing not really a desktop Apple did that bit.)

    Anyway Apple lost and Microsoft took over the world while Apple dwindled to a market share of less than 5%.

    I don't think they want that to happen this time....

    they didn't invent the GUI? This doesn't look like a desktop to you?

    Sure does to me.

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  • gugy
    Sep 5, 07:03 PM
    I think this is totally feasible, but one question that many of you haven't addressed is: "Do you see this interaction and interface happening for the Windows users?"

    I know we're all Apple fans here, but in order for the iTunes Movie Store to be successful, it will have to include "them."


    very true, unfortunately those bastards dictate what will be successful. :eek:

    another thing is make sure any video transmitted wirelessly will work perfect.
    I had my airport xpress 30 feet from my computer hooked up to my stereo and the signal would drop all the time. This to work it needs to work flawlessly, if not forget it. I rather have the media center hooked up on my stereo and TV without the wireless crap.

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  • Proud Liberal
    Sep 12, 02:16 PM
    I just called 2 of my local (Northern Virginia) Apple retail stores, and the 80GB iPods aren't in stock as of yet. Looks like it will be a few days until they show up. Apple's online store shows shipping times of "1-3 days". :(

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  • MacRumors
    Apr 20, 09:43 AM (

    A pair of security researchers today announced ( that they are sounding the privacy warning bell about the capability of iOS 4 to track the location of an iPhone or iPad on an ongoing basis, storing the data to a hidden file known as "consolidated.db" in the form of latitude and longitude and a timestamp for each point.All iPhones appear to log your location to a file called "consolidated.db." This contains latitude-longitude coordinates along with a timestamp. The coordinates aren't always exact, but they are pretty detailed. There can be tens of thousands of data points in this file, and it appears the collection started with iOS 4, so there's typically around a year's worth of information at this point. Our best guess is that the location is determined by cell-tower triangulation, and the timing of the recording is erratic, with a widely varying frequency of updates that may be triggered by traveling between cells or activity on the phone itself.While the consolidated.db file has been known for some time and has played a key role in forensic investigations of iOS devices by law enforcement agencies, the researchers note the data is available on the devices themselves and in backups in unencrypted and unprotected form, leading to significant privacy concerns. Once gathered, the data is saved in backups, restored to devices if necessary, and even migrated across devices, offering a lengthy history of a user's movement.

    Article Link: Researchers Disclose iPhone and iPad Location-Tracking Privacy Issues (

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  • MarcelV
    Aug 31, 03:09 PM
    Iand who has been feverishly building bandwidth and capability to deliver full length full resolution movies...Google has.
    Google is buying up Dark Fiber. That means no end points into homes like Verizons FIOS has. The bottleneck for full length high resolution movies will be from decentralized distribution centers to the homes. Dark Fiber is helping, but not by much.

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  • Danner909
    Apr 4, 12:37 PM
    This Apple bites back . . .

    Mar 22, 03:26 PM
    Better idea: add an ExpressCard slot so I can put eSATA or USB3 on my iMac. Or you know...put USB3 & eSATA on my iMac for me *hint hint Apple*

    Why? Thunderbolt is essentially an external PCI-E port.

    Apr 4, 12:31 PM
    i honestly can't understand people who say there was no need to kill him, he was armed and shot at the security guard.

    A criminal shoots at a security guard who is just doing his job of protecting the public? and a Security Guard shoots at a criminal who is shooting at him, endangering the public and stealing, and somehow the Security Guard is the bad guy here?

    this criminal had no respect or regard for anyone but himself, he was a CRIMINAL, that was his choice to make, if he'd of made a better choice, he'd still be alive.
    If the Security Guard had of made a different choice he may not still be alive.

    it's just like the whole Raoul Moat thing here in the UK, he killed I don't know how many people, injured others, shot a Police Officer in the face with a shotgun, and people still said it was wrong to kill him, SERIOUSLY!

    I say well done to the Security Guard, i just hope he is commentated for doing the right thing, and lives the rest of his life peacefully.

    Apr 11, 10:44 PM
    Well dang, I wouldn't mind paying 3.60 for a years worth of driving for me lol

    You'll be paying close to 5 or at 5 by the summer.. keep listening to corporate media - they brainwash the American people into thinking things are getting better.. WRONG, Things are getting worse..

    Aug 29, 06:29 AM
    If you read the fine print of the Apple iPod offer,
    it says "Apple reserves the right to change without notice the Terms and Conditions, modify the offer, or end the offer at any time without notice." So they can add or delete any models they like.

    Jul 14, 06:12 PM
    Woohoo! 3GHz here we come. As was mentioned before, though, a mid-sized tower priced at the iMac level (but upgradable) would be the final logical step in the Apple product line. That would leave Woodcrest to the high end MacPro with its quad configuration.

    Try 4Ghz...Anandtech in their review ( overclocked their X6800 to a stable 4Ghz. :eek: