Saturday, May 21, 2011

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  • Jaro65
    Apr 4, 12:37 PM
    OMG.. I'm with Felt. "Security Guards" shouldn't carry guns, and if they do there should be training and good sense that goes into using it. Shooting the suspects in the head is criminal.

    You're right. Perhaps the security guards should instead be trained in negotiation and psychology, so they would try to persuade the would-be criminals from committing crime. :D

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  • rdrr
    Sep 15, 05:48 PM
    I have posted this link before but with the latest news maybe they will tap Motorola shoulder again. Look at the Motorola e690, looks a lot like what people have been envisioning in an Apple phone.

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  • lilo777
    Apr 19, 01:01 PM
    +1 on the notifications
    Who would want to have a s*itty radio tuner on their iphone? that's why I download music So I can listen to the music I want at good quality. with no commercials? And you can multi task any ways so what the big deal of streaming music? at least streaming is the genre you like haha

    Did you know that Radio offers more than just music?

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  • ciTiger
    Apr 25, 01:26 PM
    Most people bought the current model for the SB CPU's, nothing to do with thunderbolt. Hideous? Erm subjectively the best looking laptops in production. Go troll somewhere else.


    But if you say this design is hideous than maybe you could indicate us which design is you are so fond of... So we can judge for ourselves...

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  • r00fus
    May 4, 12:21 PM
    Wow, the dual screen output is what could some day push me over the edge. A 27" display + 2 27" Apple screens either side sounds pretty nice. Still not enough to make me part with my 30" ACD right now though.

    You do realize you can do almost the same thing (not sure about resolutions) with USB2 displaylink adapters?

    My lowly 2007 Santa Rosa MBP can handle this fine with one 22" monitor using the old EVGA UVPlus... I even run it over a hub that also does keyboard, mouse and iphone cradle. Slight delay, no stutter, nothing. videos play fine (never tried full screen, but it's my work computer, so no need for that).

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  • whiteboytrash
    May 3, 10:46 AM
    The trackpad option is awesome. Every bundled Apple mouse I've gotten for the past 15 years has gone straight in the trash. The only good mouse Apple ever made was the ADB II. At least now I get a free trackpad to play with! Cool!

    Agreed. Trackpad is the only way to go.

    The free trackpad option in place of the magic mouse has been offered in Apple Stores since December 2010. It has only been a verbal offer if the buyer requested it.

    I bought my iMac this way and several friends recieved the same.

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  • FinderUser213
    Mar 29, 03:08 PM
    UHM... iOS is far more open-source than windows is. Nice try... Android might be more open-source though, I'm not sure.

    You are 100% right; OS X/iOS are much more opensource than windows. I wasn't talking about Windows though.

    And android is FULLY opensource :)

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  • zekegri
    Mar 23, 05:18 PM
    If I am sober enough to go through the process and find out where the checkpoints are then I should be able to use the software.

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  • puma1552
    Apr 22, 09:37 AM
    when you are at home turn on your WIFI...

    And the other 14-16 hours of the day where I'm not at home, but at work, traveling, at coffee shops, walking, relaxing, jogging, etc.?

    You do realize iPods are portable music players right? Meaning they likely get most use outside of the home.

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  • *LTD*
    Apr 30, 01:12 PM
    Apple's market share is growing but the fact that they supposedly (according to other posts) sell 90% of the computers that cost more than $1000 indicates that they are never going to really own the *********, lowest end of the market.


    All you need is the cream of the market. And everyone else tries to follow.

    Apple's penalty for losing the market to cheap box assemblers hawking Windows:

    The most profitable PC maker in the world, that is the Gold Standard of personal computing with Macs + OS X.

    I don't see the problem. Seems SJ made the right choice from the very beginning by using a closed licensing model. Look at the amazing differentiation between Apple and Everyone Else. And others are trying that EXACT SAME differentiation (but without the guts to actually go all-in with it) and losing. Check out the failed Dell Adamo line. Dell *tried* to Apple-ify the experience. Except for the fact that they had nothing to do with the very company that actually makes the OS it's supposed to run, other than a licensing agreement. It doesn't work that way.

    Now HP is trying it with WebOS. But Im not sure if they know how "to say 'no' to a thousand things and say 'yes' to that one special idea." It's all based on philosophy and attitude when you envision how everyday folks are supposed to interact with tech. Most tech companies out there don't have a grasp on it.

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  • cirus
    Apr 19, 07:45 PM
    Sometimes I laugh when I read this website.

    Look up the thread "Your perfect 2012 Macbook pro," ( pretty much everyone who mentions USB wants USB 3.0. There is no reason not to include it. People don't want their peripherals to be useless several years down the road. Or have to buy an adapter.

    I've heard so many people justify the price of a mac on the "you get what you pay for" well a cheap adapter is going to crap out on you sooner of later. And really, people buy high end devices to lug a bag of adapters around lets see (minidisplay port to DVI, HDMI, digital; Thunderbolt to USB 3.0, e-sata, other ports such as audio ports) That's 5 adapters, that needs a bag (and no these things are more than an inch).

    I personally think that Thunderbolt will become popular (just as minidisplay is) but that it will take a while. I wish I had in on my computer. If its supported natively then it is very likely that it will become more common.

    If you seriously think that they will deliberately not put USB 3.0 on their Ivy Bridge computers then there is no sense arguing with you. Why would they not? Its not that they have anything to lose?
    Personally, I think that the reason they did not put in the refreshed Macbook pros is that it would require a separate PCI slot and take up space that they do not have.

    As for future proofing, thunderbolt more than USB but there will always be a demand for USB. Currently the fastest SSD drives are way more than enough for the average user who does not need gigabyte files in 2 seconds. Speed is limited to the slowest component in the data chain which for many will be the hard drive. I mean most back up their data to a mechanical drive and not a SSD simply because of the cost, external SSD will become popular but these speeds aren't going to be needed for a while.

    USB 2.0 is still being used and is adequate for many.

    Really, the connector on your motherboard is capped at 6 gbps (sata 3), you are never going to get a faster speed than this on your hard drive on the new macbook pros. 10 gbps becomes sort of meaningless if you can only use a fraction.

    So where is you 10 gbps going to go? Hard drive cannot deal with this. Wireless, you'll be lucky to get over 20 MB/s. Ethernet is only 1 gbps and that is assuming that the connection is being used fully, providers may limit this in reality to far less. Of course you could have 2 SSD drives but I don't think many are going to use this much data, at least in the usable life of the system.

    Why have 1 when you can have both? Apple won't cut off the nose to spite the face. Of course they did do this with blu-ray (why not make it an option, don't justify this as "people don't want it" cause some do and not making it an option seems as a waste on those beautiful screens). Options are not going to hurt anyone.

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  • w00master
    Nov 13, 03:44 PM
    Please be more specific when you say "wrong", in what way?

    Apple owns the rights to their intellectual property, this includes images and icons of their products that they have created.

    Again, as I have said previously, the way these images/icons came about was USING OS X APIs.

    That's how they're wrong.


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  • Peace
    Sep 5, 11:40 AM
    No one else has yet mentioned that the Airport Extreme is currently reflecting a 1-3 week shipping period (, while the Airport Express ( still says it will ship within 24 hours on the Apple Store Online. It would seem that it is the Extreme and not the Express to be getting the update.

    The reason for the 1-3 week delay in the Extreme Base Station is due to the new European regulations on certain chemicals going into effect.

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  • chasemac
    Aug 24, 01:46 AM
    Whenever did something like this happen?! :confused: ;)

    Oh My!!:)

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  • Mudbug
    Sep 14, 12:14 AM
    screen is scaled 16x10 format (don't know if that's right or not) - key shape/layout is unknown.

    again, these are renditions, not the product itself. Although, I'd buy one...

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  • Siggen
    Apr 20, 10:48 AM
    **** it, gonna take my g/f's iPhone, delete the contents of that file, and make it unwrightable. (i dont have an iPhone now)

    One more reason to long for a jailbreak on my iPad 2 so i can fix this privacy issue!!!!

    Edit: if the iDevice ****s up if you cant wright to this file, simply symlink it to /dev/null (or what ever the osx alternative is)

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  • Evangelion
    Sep 9, 11:05 AM
    In the case of the Napa(32) chipset

    There is no "Napa chipset". Like I said, Napa is a hardware-platfom, composed to CPU (Yonah), chipset (Intel Express 945) and WLAN ()Intel PRO/Wireless). The amount of RAM might be limited due to timing-issues and the like.

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  • G5Unit
    Sep 4, 08:00 PM
    WO0t! PowerBook G5 tuesday after next!

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  • TangoCharlie
    Jul 14, 09:34 AM
    Woohoo! 3GHz here we come. As was mentioned before, though, a mid-sized tower priced at the iMac level (but upgradable) would be the final logical step in the Apple product line. That would leave Woodcrest to the high end MacPro with its quad configuration.

    The fasted Core 2 Extreme at launch will be 2.93 (ok, that's pretty close to 3GHz).... however, if we're going QUAD, then we're looking at Xeon 5100 series
    and the 5050, 5060 and 5080 will be 3GHz and above!

    What about a a Mac Pro with dual 3.73 GHz Xeon 5080's?? :D

    We might need an enclosure the size of the G5 for those!! :eek:

    I agree, there's space int he Apple line-up for a single cpu (Conroe) system which is aimed to business and people who want the upgradeability of a "box" but don't want to splash out on dual Xeons!!

    Oct 12, 03:26 PM
    i started singing "sunday, bloody sunday" in class today.... really random as i dont really listen to U2...

    and who is oprey? u mean oprah?

    May 1, 02:38 AM
    I'm looking at getting a new iMac fingers crossed for the following:
    - Bluray (I know... but it would be nice)
    - Thunderbolt
    - USB3
    - AMD Radeon HD 67XX-68XX with up to 2GB RAM (it wont happen though :()
    - Space for 2 HDD (I know, again it would be nice for two internal drives)
    - i5 and i7.. Hopefully no i3 in the line up.
    - Up to 24GB...

    Again if I can't get an iMac with beefier video card it looks like another Alienware with Linux...

    I think you're gonna get pretty disappointed. It wont't have blu-ray, likely no usb3, less likely that it'll have 2GBVram, the only way you're getting another hdd is to take out the optical drive, and it won't support 24GB of RAM.

    Sep 19, 01:59 PM
    wow! impressive.

    I guess people value convenience over quality. That's great for Apple. That confirms it will be a success.
    For me I rather buy DVDs or wait for hi definition downloads, but I guess many people out there are satisfy with lower quality.
    Can't wait for ITV tough.

    Sep 4, 08:22 PM
    I think it is the highly anticipated iToilet with universal iPod dock and count 'em four AppleTalk ports.
    No, the iToilet with universal iPod dock was released yesterday. From the press release:

    "In the first release of the new iToilet, Apple has included a noise-cancelling feature that masks the noises caused by bodily functions..."

    "... can select music files to be played as the flushing sound..."

    "... will be available, like the macbook and ipod, in both white and black. Production for the U2 edition was halted after lead singer...."

    "...died of a heart attack while using a pre-production iToilet. Several revisions have since been made."

    "Steve Jobs is calling it a 'freak accident' and is said to be paying for a custom 'iFuneral' in which all attendees will be offered a rebate on Mac Pro's."


    Aug 24, 04:12 AM
    I think this was all part of Apple's plan to start using Creative Labs' Audigy Technology in their computers. Apple has never really had a strong audio core. Now, with all the litigation overwith, I think the teams are going to come together. It might even be possible that Apple buys out Creative.