Saturday, May 21, 2011

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  • BC2009
    Mar 30, 11:40 AM
    It goes to show you what our legal system really is like. Kind of goes to show you that much of our legal system is nothing more than expensive babies fighting. Also goes to show you why our government is such a mess because guess what most of our political leaders are........ You guessed it LAWYERS. This is pretty much a world wide thing.

    Yeah -- makes you wonder why the American Revolution ever happened. We replaced somebody who ruled by birthright with somebody who ruled by the merits of being a better lawyer. I guess you can't win. If only all political leaders could have been like George Washington who hated political parties.

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  • Warbrain
    Apr 20, 10:01 AM
    I'm a pretty serious Apple fanatic and I'm willing to scrap my family's iPhones because of this. I know the government can track me anyway by watching my movement across cell towers, but this is a huge affront to privacy.

    If you tie this story to the recent news from Michigan that cops there are able to suck the data off of your phone at a traffic stop, then this is really frightening.

    If this is your biggest worry on people being able to track you...hmph.

    Tinfoil hats are going to be all the rage here soon.

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 25, 12:35 AM
    *BMW M5 (my mother's weekend car)
    *Brakes were replaced less than a week ago during the car's 100,000 mile service
    *Michelin Pilot SuperSport Tires, they are less than a year old, the pressure is 44psi front 48psi rear (per BMW's recontamination), tire pressure was checked less than 48 hours ago when the car last had gas put in it
    *Tire treads are inspected every time gas is put in the car, suspension was clean according to our BMW dealership


    and you are still a crappy as driver and should have his DL pulled.

    Btw radar detectors are worthless against the Lidar guns. When the detector goes off it is tell you that you have just been clock. Be prepared to pull over. It does not give you ANY early warning.

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  • infidel69
    Apr 20, 11:33 AM
    Shame that everyone is going to jump to conclusions rather than work out why this is stored.

    And really, would you rather have the information stored on the device or logged by Google?

    Neither, I was wondering how long it would be before some fanboy would bring up Google.

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  • GFLPraxis
    Mar 23, 04:57 PM
    I think Apple's app-approval process is pretty arbitrary, so how much do they care about precedent in the first place? Apple giveth, and Apple taketh away. There is much bile spilled over it, but Apple's sales continue to soar.

    I personally think passing around checkpoint info is protected under free speech. But, to repeat myself, anyone who is over the legal limit and uses an app to avoid a DUI is a selfish, irresponsible *******.

    Agreed. But Trapster is primarily for speed traps, DUI traps is just a secondary function.

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  • firsttube
    Sep 13, 09:40 PM
    seems as if the clickwheel being at the very bottom would make it a bit easier to drop, no?

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  • JobsRules
    Oct 27, 12:20 PM
    Somebody please explain to me what GW Bush has to do with a Greenpeace story out of the London Mac Expo?

    I'd guess because we now live in an era, often associated with the Bush era, where crushing all dissent is considered no biggie by a large section of the fear-controlled, TV-addled masses?

    Therefore any heavy handed, over the top, removal of protestors or dissenters is therefore viewed in relation to the current climate.

    Nothing wierd about that - historians talk about 'Victorian values' to denote a wide collection of social and political mores. People see the politics of fear, of removal of long-held liberties, planting fake new stories in the press, shouting down or restricting of dissent to be the defining characteristics of the 'Bush era'.

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  • ericmooreart
    Mar 30, 01:21 PM
    What about the Container Store, which is trademarked? Seems like the difference is whether or not the term is in common use before the trademark is filed.

    Thats a pretty good point. But After some research I found they trademarked the phrase "THE Container store" not Container Store.

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  • FinderUser213
    Mar 29, 03:00 PM

    Awesome to see Android on the top with Windows. It's about time opensource started taking off. Enough of this Apple closed source junk.

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  • rtharper
    Sep 14, 10:44 AM
    Along with updated Apature, could Apple launch CS2 universal with Adobe?

    No. Adobe has already said they won't go Universal until CS3

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  • dsnort
    Sep 19, 01:43 PM
    So, new movies this week? or do we have to wait until next?

    Probably at the same time as the Merom MBP. :eek:

    I bought one, just to test. Wasn't bad, would buy more if they add a title I want.

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  • Stridder44
    Jul 14, 03:18 PM
    Whoa!! I feel a lot better that MBP is not getting CPU upgrade anytime soon. I don't want my month-old MBP getting obsolete in another month.

    I know man, I know! High five for us.

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  • c-Row
    Aug 24, 01:25 AM
    MS [...] come up with [...] radically new way [...] that actually works

    Whenever did something like this happen?! :confused: ;)

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  • uv23
    Sep 12, 09:20 PM
    Apple's whole new "black is top of the line" trend is thoroughly idiotic. I literally removed my credit card from my wallet when I read on the event stream that Apple had released an 8gb nano, then replaced it when I read on about the 8gb model being black only. I hate black electronics. I want an aluminum 8gb iPod to match my PowerBook. Is that so much to ask?? Fine, if they want to only allow black for 8gb, but why limit us. Stupid stupid stupid.:mad:

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  • harry20larry
    Apr 11, 04:21 AM
    Been wanting this for a while. I have a windows PC just doing nothing, if I can turn it into an Airport Express like device, can have music going throughout the house.

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  • clintob
    Oct 12, 05:00 PM
    So because they are poor, and haven't "developed", we should sit back and allow them to die, in order to thin out the human population? What makes the human race different from all the other animals is the ability for us to change our fate with tools. I would gather that if you were to take our technology away, say with an EMP, you would find that the people of Africa would have the skills to survive, while us Americans would suffer with our under developed hunting and gathering skills. Your view is way too narrow, and very American.

    Please read the entire post, think about it, and then respond.

    I never said we should allow anyone to die - I said the exact opposite... that it is our job to be compassionate and to try and help in any way we can. My point was that there are certain aspects of the culture in African society which have bene ingrained in their way of live far longer than any western culture has even been in existence. So to think we can change that with any amount of money or education is naive.

    We can and should try to save lives, and that is always a good thing. The African people are human beings, no better or worse than Americans or Brits or any other culture, color, or country. But at the end of the day, it comes down to the age-old question of whether it's our job, responsibility, or even our right to impose our culture and belief system on another. I'm merely saying that these people have chosen to develop their culture in a certain way, and perhaps they need something other than our system of education to change that. They need time... and unfortunately with that time will come deaths. I would never say or imply that innocent people should die; I merely am saying that perhaps our efforts are misguided, and that these people have something going on that's far deeper than can be fixed with education or funding. Maybe they need a long period of time where they evolve at their own pace into what their culture deems an appropriate solution.

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  • striker33
    Apr 25, 02:12 PM
    Dont understand the hate for the UB looks, mine looks seamless with the sexy AG silver border. I can understand the hate towards the fugly mirror screens though.

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  • TangoCharlie
    Sep 14, 03:15 AM
    Finally is this it?
    No. ;)

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  • wnurse
    Aug 24, 08:48 AM
    I think you are seriously underestimating how expensive these type of patent battles can be. Check out the following story:

    So SCO obviously expected its legal costs to spiral beyond $31 million to make a special deal with its law firm to cap costs. The fact they are willing to give as much as 33% of any potential winnings with the legal firm indicates that the final tally could easily approach $100 million if not for the cap.

    It is quite clear that Apple would have made life very, very expensive and excruciating for Creative's legal team. $100 million in legal costs is not unrealistic considering that you not only had the original suit, but countersuits by Apple involving 4 bonafide patents.

    What would creative legal cost have been. I seriously doubt apple legal cost would have approached 100 million but for the sake of argument, lets say it did, would creative cost also have approached 100 million. Could creative have paid that much?. If apple legal cost could escalate to that amount, creative would have dropped the case long before the cost approached that amount. Creative does not have 100 mil to blow on lawyers. Either way you look at it, apple legal cost would not have approached 100 mil. The point of the settlement was not to avoid legal cost (as many of you fondly point out, apple has 10 billion in cash, why should legal cost even worry them?). No, the problem was that creative might have won. Then apple would have had a problem.

    Apr 11, 12:05 PM
    Try proofing before posting articles.

    "especially when there it is possible to be an officially licensed AirPlay partner."
    They do appreciate notice of such things, but you could try using a friendly tone.
    True, but if you've just spent �450 on the receiver and another �100 or so on speakers you'd maybe resent having to shell out more for AirPlay.
    I've never quite understood the mindset that '$600 is ok for a PS3, $300 is ok for an iPod Touch, $2000 is ok for a pieced gaming rig, $200+$30/month forever is ok for a smartphone....but spend another $30 to get a necessary accessory??? You bastards are ripping me off!!' :rolleyes:

    Also, people should really plan ahead and not expect others (say, Apple) to accomplish setting up their home for them. Expecting and whining about getting any speaker and any song on any device to communicate without YOU having a bit of forethought is silly. If you have 10 rooms with speakers, then set them up right with potential 'friends' iPods' hookup somewhere. Put your iTunes server on the most intelligent computer for whole house audio and set it up appropriately. You should be happy it no longer costs $10000+ to do such a thing. Whether it's a few AEXs or other means, you can get what you want, go do it.

    Sep 19, 02:36 PM
    couldn't apple develop something into itunes that lets you watch while it is downloading? is this possible?

    It already works that way:

    Shop the iTunes Store for hot new releases such as Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, and download them for $12.99 the week they�re released on DVD. Or buy Disney library titles for $9.99 to $14.99. All your favorites are here: The Princess Diaries, The Incredibles, Cinderella, Toy Story, The Rock, The Rookie, and more. Search for movies just as you would for music, and watch a free trailer before you download. Or, if you can�t wait for the next blockbuster to hit shelves, feel free to pre-order upcoming releases. iTunes will let you know the minute they�re ready to download. Can�t wait to start the show? You can even watch your movie as it downloads.

    Apr 23, 09:06 AM
    Some of us principally us the air for what it was designed for computing on the go i.e. travel. When you travel a lot it is nice to be able to kick back and enjoy a game or two. The ultimate 13 in plays all the recent games pretty well and works as a second laptop with my company provided POS.

    Mar 30, 01:46 PM
    Stupid, just stupid. You can't possibly trademark App Store.

    Putting two generic words together to form a generic term generically shouldn't be legally trademarked.

    How often have you seen a music store named Music Store, or a food store named Food Store.

    The part you should be able to trademark would be with your company name in front I.e Pheonix Music Store. Therefore no one else can call their music store Pheonix Music Store.

    A store that sells apps cannot be trademarked as such, unless it featured a brand prefix like Apple App Store, Microsoft App Store, Amazon AppStore etc.

    Example, if Amazon trademarked Amazon AppStore then this would prevent RIM from opening an AppStore in the Amazon forest called Amazon AppStore.


    Likewise, Tasty Food Store, there could be only one. But Food Store itself, no.

    May 3, 10:48 AM
    Dual ports should have been on the notebooks as well.

    At least we can daisy chain.