Saturday, May 21, 2011

Headstart School Islamabad

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  • bigandy
    Oct 27, 10:27 AM
    and nobody noticed this?
    The group had purchased a small both with contract terms to only hand out leaflets within their assigned area and to not take photographs at other stands.

    booth! not both! :rolleyes:

    Headstart School Islamabad. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • BRLawyer
    Sep 9, 04:35 PM
    Seems like the application developers could add a link to such a feature in their code so the user could just assign core volume in each application prefs that would tell the system what amount to assign to that process. Maybe even have the system do that automatically to all applicaiton preferences so the choice appears in all general preference panes of each application.

    Isn't that the same thing as assigning priorities to processes in OS X? Terminal or Developer Tools already do that, as well as several freeware apps...

    Headstart School Islamabad. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • obeygiant
    Sep 13, 09:21 PM
    imagine how greasy that thing will get after talking on it for 10 minutes.

    Headstart School Islamabad. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • polyesterlester
    Aug 31, 05:49 PM
    I have a feeling Ted Stevens won't appreciate Apple's movie store. It'll take his staff weeks to send him an internet.

    Headstart School Islamabad. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • berkleeboy210
    Sep 5, 02:22 PM
    I don't usually speculate, but I find it interesting "Showtime" is capitalized. Could the downloads be part of some partnership with the cable channel? Just wild speculation on my part.


    They already sell Showtime Shows on iTunes

    Headstart School Islamabad. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • Ca$hflow
    Apr 19, 06:48 AM
    Lawsuits are the game of kings. Very seldom do huge lawsuits settle out of court. They usually go to the end. A lawsuit is usually played as a zero sum game.

    Headstart School Islamabad. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • Guirgi
    Sep 14, 11:40 AM
    But since everyone's discussing MBP's, I guess it fits.

    I know the Merom chip is compatible with the current boards in the CD MBP, but I've never heard anyone actually say that a CD MBP can be upgraded by simply dropping in a Merom chip. Will this be possible?

    Headstart School Islamabad. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • QCassidy352
    Sep 26, 12:05 PM
    I'm pretty happy with verizon's service. I get very good coverage and never a dropped call. OTOH, the phone choices suck, they're pretty expensive, and almost everyone I know has a verizon phone so most of my calls are free. My contract is up next May... would an iphone be enough to make me go Cingular? Depends on how revolutionary it is.

    Headstart School Islamabad. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • vand0576
    Sep 5, 01:03 PM
    The reason for the 1-3 week delay in the Extreme Base Station is due to the new European regulations on certain chemicals going into effect.

    But the online store that I linked to ( reflects products that are sold for U.S. customers. What are European regulations going to do in the States?

    Headstart School Islamabad. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • prady16
    Sep 5, 01:50 PM
    I expect upgrades to the laptops, iMac, and Mini. Also, there is a good chance of introducing either a iPhone or a iHome.
    iTunes Movie Store is certain, although it would be interesting to note how apple goes about selling movies (like the resolution, download times, pricing etc.)

    Headstart School Islamabad. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • tigress666
    Apr 25, 01:16 PM
    Understandable, seeing as you wear Adidas. LOL. :D

    On a more serious and intelligent note, let's hope the screen and the rest of the body have a more seamless and look. The current mirror screen looks like it was slapped on a random body. They just don't go together like the previous gen. The Air looks much better.

    Ah, I kinda like the two tone look. Though I certainly wouldn't mind if the whole computer was black (though it might look a little bland that way imho).

    I will be annoyed if the computer gets a lighter color or they frame the screen in something other than black (sorry, silver and white are both horrible colors to frame a screen with, and besides those and black no other color is really neutral enough for a screen since you need neutrality cause the colors on the screen will change).

    Headstart School Islamabad. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • rjohnstone
    Apr 28, 03:27 PM
    That much money selling expensive toys. :eek:

    Headstart School Islamabad. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • macnulty
    Aug 24, 07:51 PM
    Huge win for Apple, hands down.

    $100m is not chump change but for a company with Apple's size it comes close.

    On top of that Apple gets to recoup at least some of that if Creative decides to license the technology in question.

    On top of that Creative is entering the "made for iPod" market, which only adds to the iPod allure.

    On top of that iPod interface doesn't change.

    Headstart School Islamabad. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • linux2mac
    Apr 28, 10:57 PM
    Really!? You never received a quality product? In 20 years? Please tell.

    The closest was Windows 2000 Professional. I quit at XP.

    Headstart School Islamabad. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • AidenShaw
    Sep 5, 12:19 PM
    The TV makes a terrible monitor for any other computer use, and I just don't want the computer in my TV room.
    A current LCD or Plasma television with DVI or HDMI inputs can make an excellent computer monitor.

    For example, the Samsung 46" and 40" LCDs are 1920x1080, with VGA and HDMI input. They are excellent monitors (we use them in some small conference rooms in lieu of projectors).

    Headstart School Islamabad. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • vitaboy
    Aug 24, 12:01 PM
    No, but they lost in every other sense that matters. I am really failing to understand why some people are having such a tough time comprehending this. Apple capitulated on the patent challenge, Apple paid a huge sum of money to Creative so Apple could continue business as usual. Apple lost. That's all, folks.

    Sorry, but I think you are taking the settlement at face value and making just a surface interpretation.

    There are already several industry analysts who have now gone on record saying this is a win for Apple.

    $100 million may be a big load of money for you, me and Creative, but it's chump change when we're talking about the fact that iPod makes $6+ BILLION PER YEAR (and growing) for Apple.

    It's like Creative accused Apple of stealing the goose that lays golden eggs. In return, Apple gives Creative one of the eggs and Creative goes, "Wow! Thanks! You can keep the goose!"

    The face-value interpretation says that Creative won because it was a pauper who now has a golden egg that's worth a lot of money. The deep interpretation is that Apple still has the goose and Creative just gave up all claims of ownership over it.

    What's so hard to understand about that?

    BTW, some months ago, Research in Motion coughed up $450 million to settle a patent dispute with NTP over the popular Blackberry devices. RIM made a total of $2 billion in fiscal 2006. NTP basically had RIM by the throat with its patents and extracted a heavy licensing fee as a result.

    You're telling me Creative supposedly had Apple by the throat, and extracted 1/4 the licensing for a product that generates 4X the revenue of Blackberry? Riiiiiight....

    To put it another way, $450 million was about 25% of RIM's entire annual revenue. $100 million is less than 1% of Apple's, and in fact, is less money than Apple makes on interest each year on its cash horde.

    Headstart School Islamabad. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • logandzwon
    May 3, 10:33 AM
    So, with TB moving across the whole line, how long before we can buy a (Data | Display) splitter for TB so that people using the new systems can use external displays and the data connection at the same time without the PITA of daily chaining? Hope before I buy a new system :/

    Personally I'm a huge fan of daisy chaining. Less devices, less cables, less clutter. You just attach each device to the next.

    What is it you have an aversion to?

    Headstart School Islamabad. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • MSlaw
    Apr 15, 05:04 PM
    USB3=native to all platforms
    TB=Mac Only

    Sounds like TB just died.

    That's funny, I thought I first saw them show it off on a PC...

    Headstart School Islamabad. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • fetchmebeers
    Sep 12, 03:45 PM
    Take it back!! They will give you another one with NO questions asked!! See upper posts!

    O MY GAWD..... are you sure????

    that'd be totally awesome dude..... if it were the case

    but what about an extra fee that some else mentioned??

    so are you saying that it's only possible within that 10 day period??

    well then i'm eligible for it.... i might try that asap, hmm

    Apr 4, 12:42 PM
    I know. And heroics by gun toting civilians is mostly a product of fantasy as well. The idea of whipping your gun out to save the day is absurd. Most shootings occur with no warning. If you were always hyper-vigelent and ready to brandish your gun, you would likely be a danger to those around you.

    And that is precisely why people who have concealed weapon permits are trained in the legal ramifications of carrying a firearm in the public arena. We don't carry firearms to "save the day". We carry firearms to save our lives. Legally, I cannot get involved in a shooting that doesn't directly involve me.. I have no idea what is going on and could just as easily be shooting an undercover cop as a miscreant.

    Mar 30, 11:54 AM
    Lets sue the name "apple"

    "the compound noun 'apple' means simply ' a healthy object created by nature wich will give you pleasure and a longer life,' which is merely a definition of the thing itself--a generic characterization."

    Yep i have few of those...One is 24"

    Aug 24, 07:33 AM
    It's the sensible thing to do.

    IMO though the bigger news is Creative being part of the Made for iPod campaign.

    Aug 31, 11:33 AM
    Merom MacBook Pro + Conroe iMac + speedbumped Mac mini + iTunes movie downloads + widescreen video iPod

    Maybe black iMac?

    Rodimus Prime
    Apr 25, 01:23 AM
    Well I'm sorry to hear that happened to your father. My mother was in a similar situation a few years back. She cut off an idiot doing 20 under the speed limit, slammed on the brakes, and there was a wreck. The guy she cut off was found to be at fault for not maintaining a proper distance, my mother was not found at fault. She openly told the cops that she had just passed the guy, and after she passed she thought she saw a squirrel enter the road, so she slammed on the breaks. On top of doing $15,000 grand worth of damage to the guys car (which he had to pay for due to not having broadform insurance) she then sued him for her $2,000 deductible, and won. Sucks to be him, maybe he does the speed limit now.

    EDIT: @ EricNau - what do you guys not understand about "she was doing 65mph is a 70mph zone" which she then lowered to 55mph after brakechecking me????????


    wow clearly no one in your family should not be hind the wheel of a car.
    You all do road rage.
    One day someone will pull a gun on you.
    Sadly the cop was a crappy investigatory because your mom did an illegally lane changed. plus road rage and really there was a lot of room to prove it but you had a lazy cop and then a mother who lies and teachers her son to lie and pull the same crap.